Well let's revisit this, shall we?
After having fairly recuperated from a broken ankle and twisted knee back in May, I decided it was time for some Rocketing in October. With new tires, and a fairly confidant attitude(regarding this "leak"), I managed about Six hundred miles via a couple different rides(sometimes smelling coolant, sometimes not). Then, last week after washing the bike and getting ready to park her, during warm-up, drip drip drip..big puddle. So with my buddy here, we removed the chrome covers, etc. Waited for her to cool, then started her up again. As warm-began, and as she cooled down, drip drip..appeared to have been coming from the top tank, and under the mount for the frame. Removed radiator, took it to a Shop to be pressure tested. The guy tested it to 25 lbs. Couldn't find a leak!
So, at any rate, I'd already heard about a guy in Utah and a shop named Mylers radiators. I called him and told him of the sitchyashin. He said "it's a stress crack under that mount. I've seen hundreds of street bikes with that issue...and several Rockets." So, I've sent it off to him for repair and reinforcement.
I hate leaks and all that...but I hate mysteries more!
I'll keep you posted on the progress.