Considering buying a Rocket Touring

It was a 2008, first Touring model sold in the Phoenix area. It had a Tuneboy tune developed by Wayne Tripp. That was before TuneEcu was available. It also had triple K&Ns and a Jardine exhaust.

I'm not too sure on my riding future. Not getting any younger, but at least as of this morning, not in too bad shape. I've taken breaks before, time will tell if this one is permanent or not.

Tierra del Fuego?? wow, nice road trip. There was a fellow who was a salesman at Victory BMW in Chandler that died recently. I'd known him for years, bought a couple of bikes from him. He was from Austria I think, and arrived many years ago at the southernmost tip of the Americas with his R80GS. He proceeded to ride north until he reached Arizona where, out of money he needed a job. He never left. The guy had served in the French Foreign Legion and had some amazing stories. Some folks are just natural travelers. Hope your friend has a great trip.

The amazing world of riders. There are some real fascinating folks out there, present company included

And I'm somewhat where you are Harry. I've been riding a long time and it just gets more difficult as the old frame brakes down a bit and my warranty starts to run out. I'm hoping the Rocket will give me a couple of more years. I also have my DL650 which is tall but easy to handle and set up very comfortably for me. Hopefully this R3T will still be there when I arrive home next week. He wants to sell it but doesn't have the stamina to put up with the process of a bunch of guys coming over to his house to look at it.
Joey there is no living with a killing, right or wrong it's a brand that sticks,

From a 1953 movie!
So pertinent today, 63 years later!

Marian Starrett: Guns aren't going to be my boy's life!
Joey: Why do you always have to spoil everything?
Shane: A gun is a tool, Marian; no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that.
Marian Starrett: We'd all be much better off if there wasn't a single gun left in this valley - including yours.
Pristine looking touring. TORs and a trip to 2WDW with nel sounds like a fantastic way to tour the PNW (and beyond)!!

My all time favourite Movie ,some fantastic scenes,
Bar room shoot out
Jack Wilson (What have you heard Shane)
(Shane) I've heard you are a low down yankee lier
(Jack Wilson) prove it
My all time favourite Movie ,some fantastic scenes,
Bar room shoot out
Jack Wilson (What have you heard Shane)
(Shane) I've heard you are a low down yankee lier
(Jack Wilson) prove it

I was told by my Mom that Alan Ladd was so short they dug a ditch for the actors he walked or stood with!
Also my favorite western movie.
Pristine looking touring. TORs and a trip to 2WDW with nel sounds like a fantastic way to tour the PNW (and beyond)!!

What exhausts are available for the Touring. I had both a set of Jardines on my Classic (way too loud) and then installed TORs which are still on it where my son has it in Maryland.

I've done a web search for exhausts for ut and come up with everything under the son, to include vintage Triumph twins, but nothing for a Touring. The firs thing that must go is the cats which I understand are in the mufflers.