Considering buying a Rocket Touring

Return to the fold, Amigo . . . COME BACK, @Navigator! . . .
Well I rode my Nomad over today with the old friend of the owner and I must say it was a beautiful bike. It is a 2009 with 5900 miles on it. He's had the oil changed three times since he's owned it with Mobile 1 or Castrol.

The owner, a really fine gentleman, is quite ill and will never be able to ride again. In fact, he can't even wash it so it is very dusty from sitting for a year. He had kept it on a battery tender and started it to bring it up to temperature (fan on) about once a month. I was leery of him starting it with old ethanol fuel but it started right up and ran quiet and smooth. My friend and I rolled it out onto the driveway and I took come pics. It has just about every accessory Triumph makes for a Rocket Touring, plus two windscreens, GPS, alarm, Lojack (both of the latter that would have to go-more; trouble than they are worth), touring seat with backrest, bag rails, bag inserts, auxiliary lighting and on and on.

I'd never sat on a Touring and the first thing that amazed me was how light it was off the kickstand, unlike my 07 Classic. I absolutely struggle to get my Nomad off the kickstand and likewise struggle on slow U turns in parking lots. It is a wonderful MC but it needs a much younger man, not one who has to get Cortisone shots in the knees every six months to be able to walk.

I am riding to Canada Tuesday morning for the Horizons Unlimited event in Nakusp BC and when I get back home am going to go over and detail it for him and make him an offer. The intent was just to detail it to help him sell it when I first was contacted about the bike but after seeing it and sitting on it I think I'll jump. I'll sell my Nomad and my Harley Super Glide, both with under 12k miles.

I assume Triumph had all of the bugs worked out of the Rocket power train, such as the paint can rattle and output shaft bearing, by 2009. Is there anything I should know about the 09 that would give me pause for concern? Some pics:
It sure looks like a keeper good luck with the purchase of this fine looking R3T.

Somehow I missed this one. The only issue I had with my 07 was the stepper motor and possibly related TPS. The dealership replaced both under warranty. My concern, as I mentioned in the above post, is that Triumph has gotten the more serious issues sorted out. Our local Gorst dealership that divested itself of the Triumph line still has factory certified mechanics. About the only thing I wouldn't do myself is the valve clearance checks (been down that road before) and diagnosing such issues as TPS etc. Hopefully that won't happen. And yes, the Rocket is otherwise no more complex than most.

I just don't know the Touring well enough to know of any latent or unresolved issues. Such is my quest.

And yes Fingers, it is a sweet machine. The owner is obviously very proud of it and has loved riding it. I wasn't sure if I'd like the blue but really do.
Nice bike Mike. Looks exactly like the one I sold a few months back. Should give you many trouble free miles, I know mine did.
Nice bike Mike. Looks exactly like the one I sold a few months back. Should give you many trouble free miles, I know mine did.

Ah Harry, you finally parted with your Touring. What year was it? You told me once but that was a couple of years ago. I'd like a few more years of big bike motorcycle touring before I hang up the riding gear and this should do the trick.

Edit: I meant to ask if you ever did any performance upgrades on yours such as Tune ECU, intake, aftermarket exhaust etc? This one is so quiet it sounds like a Gold Wing at idle with the stock exhaust. I'm not a "loud pipes save lives" kind of guy but if I get this I will be looking into some mild performance upgrades; or not. Don't want to get silly about it.

Do you recall that friend from Castlegar BC I used to visit in Mesa to ride during the winter? He's riding to Tierra del Fuego this winter on his Triumph Tiger Explorer.