Problem as I see it with Chaps--- they ain't gonna save yer arse on a slide, and it's yer arse,or yer knees that usually hit the deck 1st. (I'm talkin' 'bout the lower part of the body)--I reckon on leather or Kevlar next to the chuffer is the safest bet--I have hit the black stuff a few times in my 50 yrs riding and I know how 'kin' painful it is,even when yer dressed '
sensibly'?,and don't forget the heat of the exhaust pipes can mek yer eyes water an'all, if ya end up sitting on one---as I did once when I slid out on icy road , right outside our local fish&chip shop, with a full audience,

nearly cut meself a 2nd arsehole---

- vivid memory just then

BTW--I came off back in the '60s wearing only ordinary jeans, me arris was saved by a comb in me backside pocket---- the comb was shaved down to a point, but I got away without a scratch----I keep a comb in both rear pocket to this very day, when wearing the 'Draggins' , unexpected protectors..

not enough hair for two combs now..
B.T.W. 'Wrecka' You won't worry 'bout the cost, at the moment yer arse hits the tar, You'll wish yer bought a suit of armour---trust me..