Coming off...Protection below the waist?

Combination of leather and textile over pants. If the weather gets too hot I just wear shorts underneath.
They are the icon leather overpants
Being a firefighter, I've picked plenty of bikers off the ground. It definetely pays to have full protective gear on. I've seen some really bad and fatal injuries. I ride in full leather armor no matter how hot. I'm too scared to do otherwise.
Being a firefighter, I've picked plenty of bikers off the ground. It definetely pays to have full protective gear on. I've seen some really bad and fatal injuries. I ride in full leather armor no matter how hot. I'm too scared to do otherwise.
I'm with you I'm a volunteer firefighter of 25 years and I've seen too many bike accidents over that time so protective gear is a must for me also....
Personally I'm not afraid of death very much at all.

It's the process of violently going from alive to dead that scares the hell out of me. Pain really sucks.

Thus, protective gear to minimize any damage, my last big crash I got very lucky, just a fractured bone and extensive bruising even though I went over the handlebars and wore mostly regular clothing (I was younger and even stupider then). My full-face helmet saved my life though, I landed on my head and shoulders and from all accounts did a "stunt man shoulder roll" from pure luck, no skill involved there, into the ditch.
Problem as I see it with Chaps--- they ain't gonna save yer arse on a slide, and it's yer arse,or yer knees that usually hit the deck 1st. (I'm talkin' 'bout the lower part of the body)--I reckon on leather or Kevlar next to the chuffer is the safest bet--I have hit the black stuff a few times in my 50 yrs riding and I know how 'kin' painful it is,even when yer dressed 'sensibly'?,and don't forget the heat of the exhaust pipes can mek yer eyes water an'all, if ya end up sitting on one---as I did once when I slid out on icy road , right outside our local fish&chip shop, with a full audience, :oops: nearly cut meself a 2nd arsehole---
Ooooohh-:eek:- vivid memory just then:laugh: ..

BTW--I came off back in the '60s wearing only ordinary jeans, me arris was saved by a comb in me backside pocket---- the comb was shaved down to a point, but I got away without a scratch----I keep a comb in both rear pocket to this very day, when wearing the 'Draggins' , unexpected protectors..:laugh: not enough hair for two combs now..;)


B.T.W. 'Wrecka' You won't worry 'bout the cost, at the moment yer arse hits the tar, You'll wish yer bought a suit of armour---trust me..:thumbsup:

There's a way bigger problem with chaps. Don't expect me to go into it. :roll::roll:
There's a way bigger problem with chaps. Don't expect me to go into it. :roll::roll:

How is this a problem???? :) :) She's wearing chaps!!!

How is this a problem???? :) :) She's wearing chaps!!!

Yep she'd be fine in a serious off :cool: saw a mate come off a Honda Dream when I was 15 or 16 years old. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and slid for ages. He came stumbling down the road towards us screaming and covered in blood. Reminds me of the photo of the young Vietnamese girl that had been napalmed .. the image of my mate has never left me.
Leather jeans over my Kevlar jeans on long rides....brings takin a piss to a whole new level!....I don't want to mess with the asphalt as its the coarsest grade of sandpaper around!!...good leather gloves too!...Usually its the hands or knees which connect with the ground first unless you land on yer back in which case the leather jacket will take most of the abrasions. Don't ride in jeans or shorts if you like your skin!...If you don't care then drag a dead animal along the road at 50mph for a will get the idea!
I'm an ATGAT convert. Not because I had an accident but because my son took up riding and I offered to buy him a full custom fit MotoPort kevlar suit if he'd promise to wear it. He said sure, so he got it and then I got sucked back into riding after 35 years being out of it? I couldn't just ride in jeans like I used to or even an open face helmet and expect him to ride ATGAT, so I had to spring for the $1200 suit and $700 Schubert C3Pro helmet. It is one of the best decisions I've ever made. It only took a couple of rides to develop the habit and attitude of ATGAT and it doesn't detract from my riding enjoyment in the least. The MotoPort kevlar mesh is a broad weave and is perfectly comfortable even in extremely hot weather. You just have to try it to believe it. Way, way more practical than leather, and just as geekish looking IMHO.