Coming off...Protection below the waist?

I go with kevlar jeans nearly all of the time. Dont find them too hot, but you are more aware of them at stops on hot days. Fine while your riding. Have a set of leather trousers that have yet to be used in anger, but kept aside for the really cold crappy days when the need to ride overcomes the weather.
Draggin Slicks are what i wear .. just about shower proof and no hotter than denim jeans really.

Used to be an Australian company :thumbsdown: (ok the originator was a Kiwi , ex-road racer) .. have to check mine and see where they were actually made now.
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Draggin Skins are what i wear .. just about shower proof and no hotter than denim jeans really.

Used to be an Australian company :thumbsdown: (ok the originator was a Kiwi , ex-road racer) .. have to check mine and see where they were actually made now.
Think ill head by Motorcycle warehouse at Yatla and grab a pair this weekend
Thanks guys...I feel like I am getting some great input...I love Canberra's "Best gear is the gear you will wear all the time" so true and that is what I have found with the sport that takes up the rest of my time, sea kayaking. In sea kayaking you have to dress for the water tempeture which can be difficult on a warm day. From what I have been reading I think I will be going in the direction of Kevlar jeans...Armour or no Armour?
Back in my Fire/Rescue career I picked a kid up who had put his bike down on the city street. He kept complaining about his legs, arms and back burning. He had on shorts and a tee shirt. I explained to him he had what we called Road Rash, it would continue to burn and then get worse as the hospital staff cleaned the dirt and sand out.
Leather coat and jeans with leather chaps, modular helmet and gloves are my normal gear, add/subtract as weather dictates.

As long as your ass NEVER touched pavement!!!! :eek:
Chaps are for cowboys! :D
Think ill head by Motorcycle warehouse at Yatla and grab a pair this weekend

Wrecka maybe give Ben at TOPGUN YAMAHA out at Ipswich a call .. tell him you're a mate of mine , beat anyone else pricewise i'd bet ;)

Ben will do a pair of Draggin Slicks for $250 .. usually retail for $289.
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