Coming off...Protection below the waist?

Kevlar jeans are hot ,but they are good protection not only for spills but the debris that flies up of the road ,gravel, sticks that seem to hit you in the knees and shins at 120 ks these things do hit hard ,
I love my leather jeans (great for riding in dodgy weather) but they are hotter than Kevlar jeans so most of the time I wear Kevlar jeans
The best protection comes from gear you will actually wear. Expensive leathers do nothing for you if they're in your cupboard. Although offering limited protection kevlar jeans are something you're more likely than not to put on every time you ride. If you feel you can be bothered dressing up to the max every time you ride then get leathers. If not be comfortable and practical is my advice and at least have something on that will do better than just denim. You can always put more on.
Back in my Fire/Rescue career I picked a kid up who had put his bike down on the city street. He kept complaining about his legs, arms and back burning. He had on shorts and a tee shirt. I explained to him he had what we called Road Rash, it would continue to burn and then get worse as the hospital staff cleaned the dirt and sand out.
Leather coat and jeans with leather chaps, modular helmet and gloves are my normal gear, add/subtract as weather dictates.
I use the mesh riding pants with the protective armor in them, have a zip-in water proof insert for rain, or if its cold. I take it out on hot days and get a nice breeze flowing through the pants.
Any protection is better than none at all---we all know that,but hotter clime's make it very uncomfortable I wear 'Draggin' jeans with 'Forcefield' knee protectors, and always the leather jacket--
Fabric jacket --only when raining.
Younger riders seem to take the most chances with safety---coz we all remember how invulnerable we were in our youth eh?.
Cop these pictures of not wearing the right togs..
Scarey eh ?.
Draggin jeans or similar. A few years ago my Mrs came off at 100ks, slid down the road a long way. Plenty of impact damage, broken bones etc but Draggin jeans saved her skin, she didn't lose any skin at all.