Come on summer

Mid 80's and sunny again here. I hear we may actually see a cloud or two by the weekend with temps dropping to the mid 60's. Probably have to break out the heated vest.....
In general I hate summer riding, too hot and there isn't much you can do to cool down except wear a cooling vest. I am referring to the 100+ degree heat we get here in Sacramento. Even 95 is more than I want to deal with, especially on the heat generating Rocket.

Crazy thing about CA is you can ride from 100 degrees to 50 degrees in just 50 miles heading out to the coast, so you either burn up or freeze in the summer. The alternative is to ride in the mountains and I must admit, summer riding in the Sierra Nevada is truly a fine experience both temp and scenery wise. The Sierra passes are some of the best riding I have ever done.
We are enjoying some great weather here in central NC right now. [I hardly rode at all in Jan. We actually had 2 snows!] Yesterday morn. was 34, so was a little chilly on the way in, but 65 for the ride home. I bought a Fieldsheer 3/4 length Hydrotour Jacket a couple of weeks ago and it is great. Sposed' to be 75 for the ride home today.
Hope you guys are faring as well.
It's been great the last few days I managed about 12 hours of riding the last two days I wonder where I will go today
Been nice here too. In fact . . I FINALLY got Deb out on the Speedmaster last sunday. We had done about 7-800 miles on the Honda and she was getting pretty comfortable on it so . . on to the bigger bike. Only had one small problem pulling into a dirt parking lot where the pavement dropped off . . just going too slow and dropped it on the side . . no big deal. Dusted herself off . . and back on the road. We did 180 miles for her first ride. Not too bad
+1 here!

I got my wife, Dawn, out on her Trophy this past Saturday for the first time in 6 months. She did great as well. We had some very high winds coming home that kind of scared her, but she did just fine and we got home safely.. Hope to get her on her bike again this Thursday for a local bike night.. and get her to riding it weekly so she can get comfortable with it again..

That's great, BD. Tell Deb we're proud of her!!
this week has been perfect in South Carolina for riding and I have done more riding this week than I have ever done on any other bike in a single week and its not over yet, had a small ride last saturday up to columbia nothing big just getting the bug going, on sunday I went down to savannah to a bar I haven't been to in years I managed to find a rocket down there at the bar, on monday I decided to take a ride up the coast and ended up in myrtle beach again to a bar I haven't been to in a few years good news though the rally is still good for this year, tuesday was a break only went on a ride around town, wednesday I found my way to the triumph shop in augusta got a shirt and a lighter on the way back I passed a spyder first time seeing one in person but only for a few seconds allot lower than I thought. today I am off to charlotte to visit the triumph shop up there. lets see 2 hours on sat, 5 on sunday, 7 on monday, 1 on tuesday, 5 yesterday so for the week not counting today 20 hours of riding this week. I am surprised the bike if more comfortable than I thought it would be if you are up in charlotte I should be up there by 2pm let me know 8036140795
we can add another 5 hours to the total for the week bringing it up to 25 hours of riding this week. If this is a test for things to come summer I will go just about everywhere. I managed to get a sun tan in winter. I did manage to pick up a new jacket today I had my eye on the hawk jacket for a while and I shelled the cash out for it today. I am debating on going out tomorrow or not I have ran out of places to go
winter riding

I've put 7K miles on my Rocket since late August. I hate the cold, but I love my Rocket too much to let it sit.