I was in Summerville and rode all but 2 days for X-mass and New years. SC is just like NW Fl as far as weather is concerned. Been hounding the leather guy in Pace here and finally picked up our jackets. Too warm so me and the lady took the liners out and put in a nice ride this afternoon.
dont get me wrong I use to ride all year long but there is something when you dont have to spend a half hour to get ready to ride and then the ride 3 miles to work is not worth the trouble, I can ride in 40' weather but I dont like it and nor does any one I come in contact with now I have done the poor mans heated clothing good old duct tape and hand warmers done it a few times. I guess its like riding in the rain I wont take it out while its raining but if I get caught in it I push through. I still dont like this what we in the south call cold stuff it may not be as cold but its still cold
Your right Baggage, it is like north FL. I am will rooster that I don't like taking 30 minutes to get ready to roll but I do that no matter what the weather most of the time. Got tired of hurting myself so I have summer and winter riding gear with pads. Riding everyday and having to dress business, I have to wear something over my work clothes anyway so I might as well have some added crash protection. Also being a Rider/Coach here in Beaufort, I get seen by my students and I don't want to tell them one thing on Saturday and have them see me doing the opposite on Monday. I do hate the cold. On Tuesday the high is going to be 44 and that is the day my heated gear is supposed to arrive so hopefully that will be my last cold riding day. Just need to find something to warm my feet.
Me too

I am tired of winter too! Straighten up in the garage this weekend I started the beast for a while, the roads were too wet from melting snow and all that salt takes the fun out of riding. Weather man is threatening 50's for tomorrow and Wed, if that hits I will get a few of those coveted January miles!:eek:

Hang in there, RAAIV will be here soon.:D
They are saying we will be in the low 40's tomorrow and Weds. I will be glad when this ends. To cold to go work on anything since I lost my heater in the shed.