Coil Over Plug mod (COP) for standard coil removal

I created that video. I just followed instructions from this site. I did the mod as I had a stuttering at certain revs under hard acceleration and this fixed my issue.
thats also why i did this.
NOW the hickup stuttering is gone but i have a different type of stuttering at 4500 to 5500 rpms but ONLY in 2nd gear. I think its just the tune. I also did the RAMAIR intake when i did the coils and i removed the secondarys. If when i complete the tune its still there, IDK!
I've got the same issue that Claviger reported earlier in this thread "I’m having weird lean misfire between 1900-2400 at 1-2% throttle but nowhere else" So I decided to do the mod (2002-2003 coils) I couldn't be bothered re-crimping, checking the HT leads etc. I'm an old mechanic and have a vague grasp on electrical stuff (very basic) if Triumph insist on using technology that was on my Tiger cub (my first road bike back in 1968) then why waste my time messing about, the Japs have it all sorted so why reinvent the wheel. Parts are on their way (thank you US wreckers)
My question is, since when was 6mm a plug gap? That's like 236 thou! Now back in my youth 25 thou was the standard plug gap, and 15 thou was the points (they're in an old thing called a distributor) apparently the recommended gap for the rocket is 35 thou, fair enough, a bit more than usual but so be it, but 6mm for the coil stick!!! Any way, we now have iridium plugs (we also still have snake oil) For those of you that have run this mod for a while what plugs and gap do you recomend? Do I stick with the standard NGK DPR7EA-9? What gap is recommended? The spark intensity generated by these stick coils is going to be different to the original triumph coils, so it stands to reason that the plugs may need to be different, hotter/cooler? Any and all advice very much appreciated, opinions on the other hand are well mmm we all know what they are like.
Thanks in advance.
2002 Yamaha yzf r1 coil specs. Must have Mitsubishi #F6T558 embossed on the coil opposite of the modular connector.
The OEM part will read 1.4 ohms or higher but the aftermarket ones will fall within the spec but at the low end of the scale!
I created that video. I just followed instructions from this site. I did the mod as I had a stuttering at certain revs under hard acceleration and this fixed my issue.
I just watched it, ive got a split lead on front coil/plug and im thinking instead of £175 for new leads why not do this?
Quick update, coils arrived and fitted. The throttle response is greatly improved and acceleration is also improved. So I'm more than happy with the mod.
However the original stutter/misfire is unchanged, after much searching it appears it may be a failing TPS, apparently they test good (which mine does) until they actually fail completely. Have just received a new one and will fit it at the week-end, will update if it's the cure.
Ive just bit the bullet and ordered the coils and new connectors, hopefully this makes things simpler
Ive just bit the bullet and ordered the coils and new connectors, hopefully this makes things simpler
It certainly tidys things up, swapping all those HT leads and coils for a few wires. The connectors can be a bit fiddly to put together, you tube is your friend.
Also the front coil and a black box (under the steering top yoke) is held in place by a couple of 10mm bolts, when you ditch the coil you will find the bolts are now too long to re-attach the black box, it's held in place by a black rubber strap. It's a simple enough matter to either chop about 13mm (1/2") off the original bolts or just get a couple of shorter ones, not a big deal but could be frustrating if you're doing it at the weekend and everywhere is shut.
fwiw I used heat shrink on all the solder joins, then wrapped them in self amalgamating tape, probably overkill but totally waterproof, unlike the crappy spade connectors on the original coils.

Update on "stutter/misfire" couldn't be arsed waiting for the week-end so fitted new TPS today, set it to 6.01 volts (closest I could get it to 6.0v) cleared fault codes, and reset adaptations, gave it the 15min tune, and hopped on. SUCCESS! I've been chasing this bloody fault for months, checking and re-doing wire connectors, vac hoses, injector cleans, even the COP mod (although I'm glad I did that) The strange thing about it is it just appeared one day, didn't seem to get worse like something about to go bang, and not really bad, just annoying enough to spoil the ride, and the OBD didn't throw a code? Anyway there you have it (happy dance) If your triple develops an annoying stutter/hesitation/misfire at 5% ish throttle chuck a primary TPS at it, my bikes fairly old 2008 but only has 60,000k on it, my theory is being a torquey touring it spends most of its time round about that 5% to 10% throttle and the TPS just wears out at that spot. Now if only the bleedin rain would stop.
Yep, just waiting on parts this week, then I'll be on it, I'm lucky as ive got a warehouse full of fasteners etc. I will definitely shrink wrap them up, made the mistake of using crap connection before.
Yep, just waiting on parts this week, then I'll be on it, I'm lucky as ive got a warehouse full of fasteners etc. I will definitely shrink wrap them up, made the mistake of using crap connection before.
Good work, hope it all goes well and you get the same improvement as I did.
If you can get it there's a type of heat shrink that has some sort of heat activated goopy lining, and when you shrink it, it oozes out and completely seals the joint, I couldn't get it here so ended up using ordinary heat shrink and the tape. The connectors for the coils are typical japanese brilliance, silicon "o" rings that seal perfectly, and No more bloody carbon core HT leads, what were they thinking, they couldn't even go with copper core???
Quick tip, when you pull the spade connectors off the coils make a note of the colours, number 1 is obvious but 2 and 3 can get mixed up, and please let us know how it all goes.