I never ended up attempting series, but, I cannot recall why at this point. I suspect my thoughts went something like
"Neville has done it and it worked in Parallel, so, let me not f this up experimenting when I know that works"...
Haven't had any issues with them since originally installed.
I just wanted clearly state that no one should batch fire for posterity, I don't think anyone was suggesting it. I've been down that road on a 4 cylinder, it sucks.
I guess i should have watched the whole video
i think that the video was probably about the installing coil over plugs (to replace the three coils that we have)
so he may have been putting just two coil over plugs for one cylinder.
sorry about my posting.
The video in a nut shell is just replacing the coils with individual over head packs, the part numbers and why it's better. Basically better spark because each coil has to do less work individually and the dumb spade connections are replaced with oem ford 2 wire style connections, the reason they work because the combined resistance is in spec.
That and how to install it and what not.
Resistance is direct related to the amp or watt draw thus of it's a replacment direct and sequential, it will not tax the system any harder.... i think. Im not 100% sure but from the knowledge i have and experience, it sounds right! I could be wrong though, im not an expert on electrical engineering or rocket ECM's
Just installed them, works flawlessly and i would say a bit smoother... IDK, my but dyno isnt very good.
I saved a few bucks and used a different part number but to find the same part.