What ever you decide i'll put you up if your in my area. I live a mile from the Mayflower,Plymouth Rock Massachusetts.. Not to throw negative waves at you but getting good service for my Rocket has been a chore to say the least for me. Most Triumph dealers are motorsport dealers who send their machanics to school for a month to learn how to work on Triumphs. I've gone threw three dealers since 2005 and i have to travel 140 miles to the one i trust. There are nine Harley dealers within a ten mile radius of me. i've been X-country four times and had two flat tires. If you get a flat in the Rocket your looking at spending $400-500+ for a new tire replacement. I'd also suggest you join the AMA for $49 http://www.americanmotorcyclist.com/membership/join if you do break down they come and get you to the nearest Triumph dealer. Happy Trails..
This has to be the best forum I've been on for being straight to the point and down to earth like I said to TR111CK once I've nailed the route i'll keep you guys posted. Many thanks for the offer of putting us up it's really appreciated. Ride safe
I hadn't thought of buying and then selling when the trip is over but that does sound like a plan which I am now going to look into. Maybe a talk with a friendly dealer to sound them out on the possibility. I'll keep you guys posted.
JMTC.. If you ask me your asking for a big expensive hassel. I shipped my bike across country once with nine others with a truck shipping Co. I had to find a pallet to put it on and secure it properly before they would even take it on board the truck. Two of the bikes in the group were damaged in transit. Your not likely to find that many Triumph dealers here in the states if you break down. There are plenty of bike rentals here in the U.S. that can accommodate you. This link might help you out. In any case good luck.... http://micapeak.com/pages/shipbike.html
Hi TR111CK, just got the quotes back for 2 months insurance @ Total: US Dollars: $462.59 ( That price was for comprehensive on a GL1800 Goldwing) . To air Freight the wing from London to Vancouver out and from Chicago to London return will be $ 4,690.
So now I know the cost of shipping I will check out the rental option and the other option of buying a bike for the trip and selling at the end. I'll keep you all posted