I initially hoped it was one of the nanny controls as I scrolled through the menus on the screen to see if TC had over-ridden something where I switched it off but to no avail.
I have an Indian FTR1200S RR and an old beast 2001 ZX12R that will keep me going but they are not the same. I realise how much I love the Rocket 3 now after it has been gone only two days. But... the dealership are good mates and first day they gave me a big Indian Chieftain Dark Horse for the day while they were looking at the fault in the Rocket 3. If you are bored and want something to read, I have copied and pasted into here a somewhat over complimentary review of that bike.

(They always give me bikes to play with when I want, so I return the favour by giving them a plug). Read on only if interested.
With time on my hands, I did a short review of that bike.
TL;DR: If you have a Rocket 3, you don't want one [a big Indian Chieftain Dark Horse].

Otherwise, read on;
Thanks to my mates at =AZWnuvZmTOG52YN2wTxMl-9aEi2Hq03yrl4M67w81neJ6itMhdTTV9QBoLbEIxL-GYiGOvg-CRSz8gE5CnTAQr9wt9aAQGAjifaOWHl1EdYhzQDKk4-G3r5DzeO2lt6zG75m_pLNS95M8Wn7xP_6HWea&__tn__=kK-R']Rising Sun Townsville Motorcycles who have given me the Indian Chieftain Dark Horse for the day to play with.
For those that like specs; 1890cc Engine, 92 HP and a massive 160 Nm of Torque (although, where it hides it, I have not yet found) and weighs in at about 372kg wet - massive bike.
In Townsville, where Harleys make up 90% of the bike population, the Indian is uber cool if you are into this style of bike. The Batman looks make it more gangsta than driving a 300C Chrysler and that is saying something.
It gets a lot of attention and as usual. since the Harley riders up here cannot recognise a non-Harley, they stare more than anyone. (My old red Ducati Diavel Carbon had them stumped as to what could possibly be louder and faster than them, and the Rocket 3 simply dumbfounds them). The Indian, they assume, must be made in India. The fact I wear riding boots and not thongs (flip-flops for my US brothers) definitely has them thinking; some rich city boy on a fancy bike.
Top speed 179km/h downhill with 100kg of me on it. Very comfortable sitting at that speed and not that noticeable you are going that fast. No rocket pardon the pun but gets to 130-140 pretty quickly, a bit slower then to 160 and then about 20 seconds to get to 179 from 160. Contrast that to the Rocket 3 R which takes about 1 second to get from 160-180 but these bikes are not in the same category. But add the Rocket 3 GT to the mix, which is more of a competitor given its peg positions, and target audience, and the decision would be easy. But this isn't a comparison.
You don't buy this bike for performance. You buy it for its looks and street credibility and it has that in spades. The fact it performs okay is a bonus.
Harley or Indian? No idea. I have an Indian FTR1200S RR which is another beast altogether and nothing like this, and my Harley riding experience is next to nothing but from reviews I have read, the big Indian stacks up well in most comparisons. Maybe others who have ridden similar Harleys/Indians would add something here.
Would I buy it? No. Not at the moment. The Rocket 3 is as cruiser as I want to be and that is on another level again in terms of everything. But if I do go down this cruiser/tourer path one day, I will take another look. If it is your thing, definitely check it out.