
.020 Over
Jun 29, 2017
Sutton in Ashfield (5 minutes from J28 M1
2004 Rocket supercharged,Hayabusa, GL1800
Hi Guys, Had a clunking noise started on my 04 rocket. When dropping into 1st - in traffic or at a junction - and pulling clutch in, the engine clunks and the bike tries to judder slowly forward. Realised it was probably time to fit the new Barnett clutch plates and springs and also do the camchain and guides. Got the clutch plates out just and found a deep (1mm) groove on one of the inner clutch basket posts and 'judder marks on two other posts! Think the basket needs replaced. Any ideas on what caused this? and recommendations for a better basket? I have 300 bhp at the rear wheel.


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Those marks are from the clutch springs. Warp, the Rocket guru, will chime in soon. There is a much better clutch basket that you should be running with all that HP.
i sometimes have the judder and it tries to move off,iv had the plates out twice checked and measured,re-installed.still does going to be watching with interest
Not a guru just broke a few things over the years. Thise damage spring towers could be from you excessive torque. I haven't checked the price but I would replace the inner clutch gub. While you have the clutch basket nut off to remove the inner clutch hub, pull the basket and look on the back side of the anti backlash eliminator to see if the plates are damaged. I suspect so! The newer black engines in 2006 were the first to receive the new style clutch basket with thicker plates on the back. I was able to damage my newer style with the blower. Its from you grinning and hitting her so hard. I believe the old style pressure plate design is adding to your problem. I can not speculate about the anti judder crap mine has been out since I started using MTC fibers. I am currious as to what oil you have been using? If you don't mind me asking?

And now back to my coffee morning to all :D
Oh if the inner hub is too expensive I do have a 05 with a silver motor in the barn with a broken crankshaft and a couple busted valves. It still has the basket and hub in it. But the are the same as you have. I'll be in town maybe thru the weekend then I have to get back to the east coast where the Titan waits for me and a little present I have for it :)
Also since your changing guides If your not going to one of Nevs manual cam chain tensioners. Then you should modify the OEM auto tensioner so it won't kick back on you. Causing catastrophic failure you do not want to experience !!!!!
Also since your changing guides If your not going to one of Nevs manual cam chain tensioners. Then you should modify the OEM auto tensioner so it won't kick back on you. Causing catastrophic failure you do not want to experience !!!!!
Already fitted my modded tensioner; made it last year. I am using Castrol Power 1 4T 10w-40 . Will take out the outer basket tomorrow.