Close, but no prize, "YET"

OK, got the 2013/15 (can't remember) engine in my 05 Rocket. Got her fired up, but the oil light stays on ???? Also, after putting in 5 qts of oil, the oil tank is empty ??? I can stick my finger into the oil tank, and nothing ???? WTF ???? HELP !!! Yes, the sensor is connected. Wondering if I need to hook up tune ecu and clear the codes ???
The main bearing gallyway has lost its prime. You should pull the filter and pour oil down the block fitting then spin the filter back on and fire her up real quick. You might have to do it and pug a plugout of each cylinder and spin her over until you get it primed with oil. Loosen the sensor in the back and watch for pressure. And well go start a thread !!!!!