Clicking Noise in the Rear Wheel

right and left turning good to decide which bearing failed.
failed because of torque not very likely. the bearings will go bad if the nut is not tight enough. putting better grease ok if u don't mess up the bearing.
i think most car hub bearings will go 100,000 miles w/o failing.

I've driven several cars well past 200,000. Never serviced the wheel bearings or had any of them fail. The bearings in the rear wheel of my R3 felt really tight a couple years ago during a tire change so I replaced them.
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Thanks for all of the input guys. Will likely be a few days before I get this thing on the lift but I will let you know what I find
All Balls products don't have a good reputation around here. I would avoid theirs.

Just curious, what kind of problems have you had with All Balls bearing kits? All the reviews I've read on Amazon and other online merchants have been very positive, and I also rode my Harley for 70k miles on a set before I sold it. I only have 20k on my Rocket with All Balls bearings, but so far no problems.
All balls problems usually arise from botched install, as all bearing problems usually are. They sell a metric ****TON of bearing kits and they are very widely accepted with positive results.

Yes, you don't know who your bearing comes from, but then, do you know who the stock parts are made by (hint, its not triumph)?

Alternatively, you can buy a set of known high quality japan made bearings for 1/2 the Triumph price of a set. Either way, I don't suggest anyone give mama Triumph the retarded amount they ask for.

Here the Timken catalog, known quantity, very high quality bearings (possibly the supplier for Allballs):

6204-2RS or 2RZ 6204 2RSJ EM Quality 20x47x14 Sealed C3 Japan Made Bearing
5204-2RS or 2RZ 5204-2RS Angular Contact Sealed 20mm Bore Bearing
Can't find the size of the third rear bearing but they can all be ordered here from very high quality manufacturers:

5204-2RS bearing KOYO Japan -5204-2RS

I've also put in an inquiry for hybrid ceramics with one of the best bearing manufacturers in the world for front and rear bearings. Dyno proven horse power gains, on a GSXR 750 back to back testing showed 5whp peak and 6lb-ft across the whole power band...
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I have used Timken bearings (and races) for years whenever I can find them to replace any stock bearings that have failed. I've never had any problems with them, if they are installed properly and kept properly greased. I just take the old bad ones to a local industrial supply place that stocks a sh#t ton of bearings for darn near anything, they look them up, and cross reference them to the Timken ones that match. They are almost always a lot cheaper and better quality than buying the stock ones from a dealer. And I've seen too many people have too much bad luck with buying any cheap ones online or from any of the local discount auto parts stores.

R3Tex..I hope that it is something cheap and simple to fix. I love all three of my bikes a lot...except when something on one of them breaks or goes bad. Then I just kinda like them a
Hopefully we will get it on the lift this weekend and see whats up