Clicking Noise in the Rear Wheel

I did not have to heat the rim up. Took a couple of good pull's but bearing came out without a problem. If you take a rubber mallet and slightly tap the blind puller it will seat up. then tight up nut and happy pulling.
Yes indeed. The only time my bike has seen a shop was to replace the back tire. The Morons in Oklahoma city did a fine job of $ucking it up. Over torqued the axle to the point of crushing the spacer and screwing up the bearings along with several nuts and bolts. They even placed the passager pegs on backwards Replaced nuts and bolts and spacer and have not had a problem since then.

I'd heard about heating the rim and will add that to the workflow. Cool tool- I may have to give that a try. This is probably obvious to everyone else, but do you run the tool through the rim and expand the head to catch just in the micro space between the spacer and the bearing, or work from the outside and pull and twist? I'm guessing you go in from the inside and bang it out. Edit (4-10) I'm referring to the homemade tool.

And Thanks to Sonny for your response further down this thread about the blind puller.
I probably outa go ahead and order a new spacer while I'm at it. Sounds like any variation in its length will cause further problems down the line.
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Comes with instructions and very easy to use. Insert proper size blind puller and start banging away.
No worries. 100,000 posts over a dozen years or more, and it helps to have a few people around who take an interest in this and that, and when the question comes up, have them say, "I think I remember . . . try this."

The more we do this, the better this site is.
One of my problems seems to be I have a hard time remembering. I can watch the same movie again for the first time.