Clearview Windscreen


Living Legend
Feb 19, 2007
Banner, WA
2009 Rocket Touring
UPS delivered my Clearview windscreen today. I ordered it on Aug 1 and it was wel worth waiting for.

It arrived right in the middle of me mowing the front lawn, which of course, came to all stop as I broke out the tools to install it. It was a bit of a pain in the butt putting the hardware back on the Clearview. I did it in the living room which was a good idea. My wife came home from her luncheon right when I was on my second round of ****ing the little screws and spacer bushings straight to hell. She immediately asked, "Would you like me to hold that bracket in place for you?". Big help.

I bought the +5 inch, smoke with vent and it is nothing less than spectacular. There is no more buffeting, at all, with the wind going over the top of my helmet. I don't even have to wear protective glasses but do as a precaution. To me the vent is a must. The Clearview wind screen is a must right behind the Progressive shocks.
That's the same one I had installed on mine...except I opted for clear. I might be a barn door, but it sure makes for a comfortable ride. 8)
gR3yWolf said:
That's the same one I had installed on mine...except I opted for clear. I might be a barn door, but it sure makes for a comfortable ride. 8)

I gotta tell you John but I am really pleased with it. The adjustable vent is really nice and the protection is superb. I set my vertical adjustment about right in the middle, whereas it was all the way up with the stock screen. I'll fool with it a bit more but for now it seems fine.
Do you actually get any air in your face from the vent? It seems to me, on my bike, that the air stream though the vent disipates and is lost in the turbulance around the screen before reaching my helmet.
gR3yWolf said:
Do you actually get any air in your face from the vent? It seems to me, on my bike, that the air stream though the vent disipates and is lost in the turbulance around the screen before reaching my helmet.

I do, and perhaps I have an upgraded vent. It is a variable control and puts air right in m face if I want. It is odd that you refer to turbulence because I now don't have any. Hmmm.
I am awaiting the arrival of my new saddlebags. Should be this week. I'll take a couple of pics and post them.
Billythebiker said:
How tall are you Mike? :?

Does it fit standard Triumph attachments? :?

I was thinking of a windvest, but really want something that does the job 8)

Billy, I am 5'11". When I ordered the +5, I was a bit concerned on where the top edge would be, that is, if it would split my field of view. I had ridden a friend's Harley Road King a few years previously and the first thing I noted was that the top edge of the screen did this. Not so with the Clearview. I am looking through the windscreen. I lower it all the way down and it would still be fine.

And yes, it uses the standard Triumph attachments. Perfect. It is a very nice quality piece of work. It actually has a little vertical "sweep" too it.
I guess you cant get them any higher Ive got one and still get the wind on my head I guess anyone 6 5 just has to deal with it