Cleaning suggestions?


.060 Over
Jul 8, 2011
St. Louis, MO
I recently took a new girl for a ride. She seemed very excited to get on the bike. I put the foot pegs down for her, assuming that like an marginally intelligent person, she would use them. Instead, she used the hot tailpipe to step onto the bike!! This melted her shoe's rubber sole, leaving a nice boot print on my tailpipe. Then I asked her if she's ever been on a bike. "Nope, first time." No kidding...

Anyone have a suggestion how to remove melted rubber from chrome?
I use naptha (from any good paint store) for bootmarks on my pipes. Takes it right off without any scratching. Comes in handy when I'm out of vodka, too...;)
Easyoff oven cleaner works great just get the exhaust warm and spray on, I would say other oven cleaners will work to Easyoff is just what I had. That is what the boys around here have been using for several years :rolleyes:
Easyoff oven cleaner works great just get the exhaust warm and spray on, I would say other oven cleaners will work to Easyoff is just what I had. That is what the boys around here have been using for several years :rolleyes:

Put this one into the memory bank bloody good idea, better than scrubbing like a *****head with finger nail.:eek: