Classic bars on my Roaster = Cables?

You should look into the bars that @Evil Mitch has. From memory they'd be pretty close to what you're after. He'd have the cable/hose problem sorted too. Maybe drop him a line if he doesn't chime in.
What is weird is you can put the Classic bars on standards or like my 06 which they did not have Classic bars before 07. Yet I did not have to change any of the cables or the brake line. Bull when you say a couple inches from the bar end do you mean with the bars set how you are going to ride it? If so loosen the bars up and shift it around to get the grips on the bars and then set the bars. I do this every time I have changes bars and never had a problem.
Just a thought. Otherwise you can just ship the bars to me and I will use them when I install a new motor in the 05 rolling chassis I have :D
You should look into the bars that @Evil Mitch has. From memory they'd be pretty close to what you're after. He'd have the cable/hose problem sorted too. Maybe drop him a line if he doesn't chime in.

I have highway hawk superfat customs with all wiring internally mounted and as for the brake lines i took the stockers off and through them at the wall and then installed Hell brake lines one for each caliper rather than one that splits into two. Cant remember the difference in length as it was about 5 years ago
Mitchy's bars do sound like what you are after Bull .. maybe not quite as high as you want but have way more pull back than the Classic bars.
You should look into the bars that @Evil Mitch has. From memory they'd be pretty close to what you're after. He'd have the cable/hose problem sorted too. Maybe drop him a line if he doesn't chime in.

I have & I did.
I can't find/get his bars in the states.
What is weird is you can put the Classic bars on standards or like my 06 which they did not have Classic bars before 07. Yet I did not have to change any of the cables or the brake line. Bull when you say a couple inches from the bar end do you mean with the bars set how you are going to ride it? If so loosen the bars up and shift it around to get the grips on the bars and then set the bars. I do this every time I have changes bars and never had a problem.
Just a thought. Otherwise you can just ship the bars to me and I will use them when I install a new motor in the 05 rolling chassis I have :D

Nay, Warpo,
No problemas with getting the grip assemblies onto the bars. Once the bars are set, the throttle assy slides up the bar and cannot be brought to the bar end due to the short brake line and somewhat the throttle cables.
With ABS, the front brake lines are a PITA as they appear to run all the way to the rear to the ECU and then back front before they split to the two front calipers.
Nay, Warpo,
No problemas with getting the grip assemblies onto the bars. Once the bars are set, the throttle assy slides up the bar and cannot be brought to the bar end due to the short brake line and somewhat the throttle cables.
With ABS, the front brake lines are a PITA as they appear to run all the way to the rear to the ECU and then back front before they split to the two front calipers.
Ah I forgot about the ABS!!!!
Barnett also has cables for the R3 and R3 Classic, in black as well as stainless braid.
You could get the 2 back, 1 up with a pair of Rivco risers, and then specify slightly longer than stock Classic cables to Barnett.
The brake lines are pretty straight when normally mounted, so there's no extra. Same goes for the cables, there is very little extra. Of course, with both cables and lines being so rigid and especially cables have to be straight or gently curved, you have to be precise or they'll bulge out all over the place.

The brake lines are the largest problem and they are NOT available (ABS) anywhere that I can find.
I have done this mod on my roadster and also have the revco risers. I bought the classic cables but didn't need to use them I have all original Roadster cabling including brakes