My original thoughts on chrome side covers was **** the oe sidecovers are about 200 a piece ameican wonder how much more chrome ones would be. It seems that the only way for true chrome sidecovers would be a major investment of time and money. I have a side cover that kept falling off at speed and is scratched all to hell i tried sanding and painting(black spray paint) but it just kept getting worse. Anybody got any ideas. The thing about these bikes is aint nothing cheap on em huh?
You should be able to find a body shop that can paint to match bike for under $100
My original thoughts on chrome side covers was **** the oe sidecovers are about 200 a piece ameican wonder how much more chrome ones would be. It seems that the only way for true chrome sidecovers would be a major investment of time and money. I have a side cover that kept falling off at speed and is scratched all to hell i tried sanding and painting(black spray paint) but it just kept getting worse. Anybody got any ideas. The thing about these bikes is aint nothing cheap on em huh?

Hey jcb7469 Johnny B09T. What i noticed with my Touring was the grommets become loose or tear so the side cover becomes loose. I went to local auto parts store and found something similar which were round and since have had no further problems and a little lube helped initially due to being tight fit. Same applied for the copper seals ring on the oil pan now using blue plastic covered aluminum seals. Low cost repairs for do it your self guys. Chrome can be applied done in automotive for years on plastic and pot metal just need to find someone to do it. Not sure of cost.

Good luck.
The actual grommets can also be had, I bought a set of them from Worldoftriumph. I added silicone to glue them into position (my problem was that I pushed the grommet out of the hole once when I hastily shoved the cover on). Also, on the Touring it is probably wise to further secure them. I drilled through the stem of the rearmost mounting peg on the cover and threaded a zip tie loosely through that hole and around the bike frame. Works perfectly to ensure the cover stays with the bike even if it were to come loose.