Chinese Adaptives

How can you guys support the rip-off Chinese?
They steal our technology and product names then make on the cheap and sell on the cheap!
America workers and businesses need your support to combat all the Chinese cheating!
Is it really worth the money to screw America and support China???

I'm Australian, I'm 'adapting' to a new world! ;):D
How can you guys support the rip-off Chinese?
They steal our technology and product names then make on the cheap and sell on the cheap!
America workers and businesses need your support to combat all the Chinese cheating!
Is it really worth the money to screw America and support China???
Thing is that nobody (and I mean this in the general egoistical sense) really cares about them. They want their things and want them cheap and tax free. Most would not even know whether they are good or not - they have heard they are and that's enough.

Now if the US (as an example) made the use of non-100%- homologated lights an offence then there would be no market. The knock off E, SAE-DOT markings are NOT generally compliant. Here you'd be nicked for having them. So I don't.

I have mates here who have seen mine - and bought knock-offs. One has had a ticket for a non approved light - another discovered that his were nowhere near as bright as my (old) Speakers.

But then all the US bikers would whine and cry that their lights are so expensive - boo hoo. And we wont get into the number of things US companies have "stolen" through Patent fights that are deplorable.
How can you guys support the rip-off Chinese?
They steal our technology and product names then make on the cheap and sell on the cheap!
America workers and businesses need your support to combat all the Chinese cheating!
Is it really worth the money to screw America and support China???

As our countries mostly owned by the Chinese now (we're selling it as quick as we can) I need to "get in" with them. In future my vast Ali Express purchase list will show my loyalty to Chairman Mau and the Party.
In Australia most things are imported anyway as we mostly export the raw materials and then buy back the finished product. If it is made here, due to the wages, fees and taxes most can't afford it. For me and a lot of others, thank goodness for options and choices. Years ago there was very limited options and you were at the mercy of the sellers exorbitant prices.
How can you guys support the rip-off Chinese?
They steal our technology and product names then make on the cheap and sell on the cheap!
America workers and businesses need your support to combat all the Chinese cheating!
Is it really worth the money to screw America and support China???

Are you chapped because someone is cutting out the middle man? I'd hate to see you strip everything from your beast thats not american. Including the tires!!!!! Heck you could have atlwast bought a american made exhaust but noooooo!!!! Not to worry your still the ole bull we've grown to love :D
Are you chapped because someone is cutting out the middle man? I'd hate to see you strip everything from your beast thats not american. Including the tires!!!!! Heck you could have atlwast bought a american made exhaust but noooooo!!!! Not to worry your still the ole bull we've grown to love :D
In Steves's defence I am pretty sure he thinks Queensland (the home of CES), is the the USA's 51st state. Of course the Russians know they have owned it for years (at least the SE corner money making bit).

Sound familiar USA?;):p:D
I will not buy Chinese products period. Flat refuse to. Nothing bought for the Harley is made in China and absolutely nothing bought for the Rocket is made in China. Pay dearly for it. On the other hand when i buy a part for either bike it fits and functions very well. Good example IMG_0543.JPG IMG_0545.JPG IMG_0544.JPG $215.00 dollars. Could have bought the Chinese knock offs for a lot less. Then i could fight getting everything to fit and function correctly. Instead I got quality parts that will fit and function plus a few folks up in Burlington WI have jobs this morning. Enough said. Naw #uck china.
I bought a cheap Chinese fuel pump for my John Deere, factory one was stupid expensive, this one was $30. OEM one lasted 2000 hrs/21 years. Chinese one lasted less than 20hrs/1 year. I know better, but knew I was only keeping tractor another year, so now what? Now I need another, and I only need it to last 6 months, lol. Found an OEM for $80, last time I only found entire assembly for $250, I'm going to bite the bullet this time, like I said, I know better.