Chinese Adaptives

.... Mmmnn, something to consider the same Brand Name:Z-OFFROAD item on Ali-Express is not claimed to be adaptive as in the eBay listing above ....

Here is the listing by ZOffroad on AliExpress - it IS listed as adaptive and they show a little video of the adaptive operation as bars are turned : Buy 7Inch LED Black Round Adaptive Motorcycle Headlight with Hi/Lo Beam Projector Daymaker 7" Round Headlamp for Harley from Reliable headlights headlight suppliers on Z-OFFROAD Manufacturer Direct Store
Oops should have refreshed before posting.

I just saw @DEcosse posted same above

The AliExpress 'Z-OffRoad' website seller's 7" ones have a useful video but the feature is not mentioned elsewhere in the listing besides the title! and the 'eBay' Z-OffRoad seller has just used the same name for an ebay ID I guess. : Buy 7Inch LED Black Round Adaptive Motorcycle Headlight with Hi/Lo Beam Projector Daymaker 7" Round Headlamp for Harley from Reliable headlights headlight suppliers on Z-OFFROAD Manufacturer Direct Store
Can the glass/plastic cover be removed to add some pissed off looking Halos?
If they are anywhere close to the JWSpeaker adaptives - you wont need to.

The dips on the JWS adaptive are (from others POV) bloody irritating. Sharp pinpoints of white. And of course the adaptive bits are always flickering on and off. You can see the difference between them and other lights in car paintwork. Stick'em on main and you will cause road-rage - which over there can involve lead.

With my two on dip and the two fogs - It is like a solid bar of white coming at you.

Still not comparable with a flash/blaze of summer sun off chrome or a windshield though.

I recently purchased some brandname ripoff Chinese technology from Aliexpress and after i placed the order i got an email asking if i wanted the ripped off brands logo printed on it? Hilarious, gear was rubbish btw.

However my knockoff Daymakers are stunningly good better than any headlights ive ever had on a vehicle and better than my ute that has additional spotlights. At $110NZD for pair well pleased just got a 7" LED for my old T140 Bonneville from same place
All right you cheap skates I will be the first to try them out all I need is someone to send them to me.

Found some that should ship to you free too.

Price for a pair delivered. Slight discount for 2.
Subtotal: US $272.44 Shipping: US $0.00
Total: US $272.44

Subtotal: AU $373.58 Shipping: AU $0.00
Total: AU $373.58

LED 5.75 inch Round Motorcycle Projector Daymaker Adaptive Headlight High Low Beam for Harley Davidson on | Alibaba Group

I have sent the seller a message seeking 100% confirmation of 'adaptive' feature with image below. So when I get reply with no wiggle room I will commit too.