Checking in from Valley Forge P.A.

Welcome from one of the Australian members
WELCOME to you, @Quint from WA State. :thumbsup:
The Tribals are great looking - pix please?
You have come to the right place to learn more as this is the Rocket Library! :D
Dropped one in Media as finding my way around , of old Triumph . Hears a tank shot ,Trying to find other pics of full bike.
gas tank 006.JPG
Thanks for sending. A pix of the whole motor would indeed be sweet - in focus, even better!
:p :roll:
Hi Quint,
Another welcome from the UK. You'll findeverything here you want to know about Rockets
Welcome from Greensburg PA!
Great to hear from Greensburg ,I know the area ! Frye Farm still exist ? If you look at my old picture Colin's cycle in Sutersville took care of my Bonnieville Chopper for me just south of you . I also like to show people who don't know the area Joe's Bar, east of you in Ligonier . I will see you on route 30 !