Changing blacked out exhaust for stainless.

I bought a mid kit from somebody and these items came with it, which I'm not interested in.
I'd be willing to sell these, if they help you get to where you want to be......


Hmm, those look nice but I'm not positive that they will fit. The angle of the heat shields seems a little sharper than mine, and the end part of the catbox cover also seems to be at the wrong angle. I wonder if the Storm outer pieces are different from the non Storm models?
It's clear that GT heat shields are different than R models. This is to give the riders leg more heat protection.

The question regarding if the earlier model is different than the latest Storm model, is up for debate.
I would guess that they haven't changed anything, except the colour, and perhaps the material.

I also think that the mounting holes for these components will be the same on all versions, so they will be interchangeable between models & age.

Hmm, not seeing the difference between models for the header shields. Other than black vs stainless. If there is a difference, it must be very subtle.
However, I do see a difference between, what I call the "middle" section on the exhaust assembly. The shield I have appears to be for the R.
If the "middle" shield is for the R, I suppose you could assume the header shields are also R, IF they're different.
Thanks for the clarification.....
Jagster..... You're right. They are different. I took the stainless header shield and mounted onto my GT. As you can see in the pic, the GT shield
is wider. The stainless R shield bolts up just fine (holes are the same) but is a lighter material with less header coverage.
So.... all the stainless shields I picture are for the R
I'm considering a trade up to a new Rocket 'Storm' but I also don't like the blacked out look of the headers and heat shields on the new bikes.

Can anyone out there confirm whether or not the new components are the same material under the black paint? i.e. Stainless steel?

If they are stainless then it must surely be a case of just removing the paint and cleaning up the metal surface to give a bright, natural metal finish, which, if it's a stainless grade similar to the earlier bikes, will be non rusting.
I've taken the two shields pictured and held a magnate to them. They both DON'T "stick" . This tells me they are both stainless, but I'm not
sure you can paint stainless and expect to stay. I don't know because I've never tried painting stainless. IF it is stainless, how do you remove the
black paint without disturbing the stainless surface. Wouldn't expect, IF you were able to remove the black paint, it would be polished.
Maybe somebody can tell us.
BTW, the black shield, which is wider, is painted on the back also.


I would imagine that acetone applied on a cloth (something like a rag made from a thick denim type material) should remove the paint without scratching the metal surface underneath.
The nooks and crannies could be attacked using a dremmel tool with a suitable fabric/flexible end bit.

Failing that, an alternative could be just to sand it off with very fine wet & dry using lots of soap and water, followed by a full polish. Could look good polished up.
maybe they are titanium?
Titanium.....Ha, that's why they're so expensive. I doubt they'd waste money on that, given the shields are purely decorative.

So....are you going to try removing the paint? Let us know how that goes. Good luck