CES Headers and Exhaust - HOT!

The area your feeling heat, and I hate to say this, is because of the forward controls. Moving your leg forward is creating an area with low/no flow so radiant heat is building up.

Youll need to fabricate/fit a heatshield of sorts to stop it.
The area your feeling heat, and I hate to say this, is because of the forward controls. Moving your leg forward is creating an area with low/no flow so radiant heat is building up.

Youll need to fabricate/fit a heatshield of sorts to stop it.
That works too :whitstling:

You might try installing a set of lowers off the front forks to deflect the wind so it doesn't come up in the wrong places, just a thought, I know that when I had a windshield, the lowers eliminated the turbulance behind the shield.

Now remember 88f to someone from Detroit is like 145f for someone from Florida:D do not know where the 88f figure came from but the Rocket is a hot bike and with after market headers it is an extremely hot bike.

What else would anyone expect when strapping your legs around and straddling an open engine larger than many cages have???
:eek: :roll: :thumbsup:
I think that's totally unsuitable for use with either shorts or short skirts .
I think you should just sell the whole system to me and put the sensible stock zorst back on ! :D

Kinda smooth there, son!
Hope it works for ya! :D