Ceramic Coat stock R3T exhaust exchange pipe.

Nice! I've thought about getting the headers done but not the heat shield.
Ceramic coating never holds up well every coated pipe I had needed recoating over time the stainless pipes hold up better
I sold a bunch of coated pipes at my dealership and NONE of them held up they only lasted one season I had a set of hot rod headers done and the turned to CRAP in no time
Thanks for the photo Paul! @Rocket3Pilot the pipe that the headers go into and mufflers connect to. I believe it balances the exhaust pressure going out both pipes.

Thanks, no I doubt de-cating would reduce heat in that connector/crossover. I just meant the muffler itself doesn't get as hot if you remove the CAT.
If you use Paul's crossover you will be able to eliminate that middle piece and then use either stock mufflers or TOR's. Then later on if you can't suppress the urge for more power, you can add Paul's header.
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I sold a bunch of coated pipes at my dealership and NONE of them held up they only lasted one season I had a set of hot rod headers done and the turned to CRAP in no time
Good info. I would rather buy a quality replacement then spend money on ceramic coating it, just to have it fall apart.
I have talked to Paul about having him create a custom dual pipe w/crossover that would connect to a stock header. Then I can buy a set of headers from him once I've saved a few pennies back up.