I may have jumped the gun even mentioning it. I'll post in the classifieds with photos and costs, etc. when my replacements come in. Thanks.
It's all good man. If you do ever plan on selling the crossover just let me know. I've got a touring with a set of TORS so I'm good there. What kind of exhaust are you getting
I'm ordering from CES tomorrow, if all goes well. It should come fairly quickly.

I think we met at Maggie Valley, btw.
Doubt it bud. I don't even know where Maggie Valley is. I usually ride northern virginia, west virginia and central virginia. I've been to Tennessee once on the bike.
Just so you know, you can't delete the catalytic elements with a crossover, because on the Touring, those elements are integral to the exhaust mufflers. Not that you'd want to delete those elements. A diagram of the stock crossover looks as though someone at some point wanted to host a bunch of stuff in there, and as it is, it's an obstacle course for the exhaust flow to the left side. However, if you're after improved breathability for the engine (need to address both exhaust and intake to gain most benefit of either), you may end up changing to a larger diameter and as a consequence be done with the catalytic elements. Fortunately, in my state, motorcycles are exempt from regular emissions checks.

@Paul Bryant does beautiful work (his 3 into 1 system is on my bike) and there are others. You can spend a substantial investment in time just researching all the thinking about Rocket III exhaust on this site.