Carpenter vs. Jardine Exhausts

Did some scouting around Denver and inquired of two of the best, most deeply schooled motorcycle mechanics in the region. Both have extensive race and performance backgrounds. One is a co-owner of Fastermotorsports. NEITHER had anything good to say about Jardines I'm afraid. Undependable, often flawed manufacturing, inferior product. Neither recommend Jardines at all. Question answered, at least for me: Carpenter Racing Megaphone Exhaust !!!! Hands down winner! My order is in:D

Here are couple of videos I found on you tube with same bike on Carpenter exhaust...they sound nice, I think this guy did not get the new tune yet, that's why the backfire...
Triumph Rocket Take-Off and Backfiring with Carpenter Racing Exhaust system - YouTube
Triumph Rocket Backfiring and Shooting Flames - YouTube
Triumph Rocket races SRT-4 (ha) - YouTube
Skip I run no disc on the predator pipe, just the internal baffel that comes with it. And IMO at idle and standard criuse it is not load just good and throaty sounding. When I smack the throttle my budies say the pipe is load as hell. The Jardines on the other hand are load at idle and loader when you smack her. The Carpenter pipes you might have heard do not have a baffel in them. I am going to get a good one installed on my set as I am not into load ****. I would rather hear the blower spool up instead. That being said I do love the sound of the predators for sure. The only reason I am changing is because of the need to increase pipe size for the high rpm engine. If it weren;t for that I would stay with the predator pipe till it falls off. Might even install it on Gracie when I get the Carpenter set.
Can't say I blame ya Scott.
Gracie does look good
Heck, you've got two bikes that deserve a calendar page each.
I need to get back on that calendar idea as soon as this HellFire patch is wound up,
and I think it is except for ordering them tomorrow
and getting them out when they come in.
The bandanas look good, guess I need to pick some up
and start taking orders for them too.
Crap, almost time to start designing a RAA 7 patch and pin set...
still need to get back on the .net patch idea too....
I need a friggin secretary.;)
Carps Rule!

Skip I run no disc on the predator pipe, just the internal baffel that comes with it. And IMO at idle and standard criuse it is not load just good and throaty sounding. When I smack the throttle my budies say the pipe is load as hell. The Jardines on the other hand are load at idle and loader when you smack her. The Carpenter pipes you might have heard do not have a baffel in them. I am going to get a good one installed on my set as I am not into load ****. I would rather hear the blower spool up instead. That being said I do love the sound of the predators for sure. The only reason I am changing is because of the need to increase pipe size for the high rpm engine. If it weren;t for that I would stay with the predator pipe till it falls off. Might even install it on Gracie when I get the Carpenter set.

Agree with Skip. Your bikes rate at the top of the heap. Love the Chameleon paint, blower, pipes, etc. Really the best of the best. None better.

Now... for the Carpenter's!!!:D
What's the price of the Predator exhaust? Is there any distributors in the U.S. The Carpenter exhaust does not come with a baffle, they are still developing it as of today when I talked to Bob.
Carpenter is performance first, the volume might attract some unwanted attention. Jar's are a good looking pipe with good performance. Pred's are also good looking and make about 5-6 more HP than Jar's, with a throaty sound that's not tooooo loud.
PS I saw where a bigger tube is needed for bigger power. The Pred guy makes big tube Pred's. Talk to Mr. Wayne Tripp. They look lovely, and badd.
Can't say I blame ya Scott.
Gracie does look good
Heck, you've got two bikes that deserve a calendar page each.
I need to get back on that calendar idea as soon as this HellFire patch is wound up,
and I think it is except for ordering them tomorrow
and getting them out when they come in.
The bandanas look good, guess I need to pick some up
and start taking orders for them too.
Crap, almost time to start designing a RAA 7 patch and pin set...
still need to get back on the .net patch idea too....
I need a friggin secretary.;)


You or Lupe should buy my Jars when my Carps getr here...ordered yesterday. R U coming down with Mexican tomorrow?
Naw Ken,
I can't.
I changed jobs, well shifts actually.
Still doing the same thing at the same place,
just after 5, almost 6 years of working opposite shifts from my wife,
I figured I'd change shifts so we could maybe have some time off together.
Couldn't hurt right.
Anyway, now my shift is Saturday night, Sunday night, and Monday night.
Kinda sucks, but hey, if it improves my chances of salvaging my marriage
it's worth it..
Maybe next week if it's ok.