Carpenter vs. Jardine Exhausts


Aug 25, 2007
Colorado, New Mexico, in my heart...Hawaii
OK kiddies, put your best "takes" forward on these two iconic and distinctive exhaust systems. I've eliminated the Predators as I think the Carpenter iteration of this design does it better...and preds are prohibitively expensive to boot.

I don't like the "wiggly noodle" look of the Jardines as they look ridiculous on the squarish lump that is the R3 motor. However, they reputedly add over 15 ponies over TORs. They ARE chromed and they cost "only" ~$1,100, give or take some change.

On the other hand is the awesome looking Carpenter Racing Megaphone Header/exhaust set up. Three into one. Clean design that compliments the R3 angularity. Also touted to smoke TORs by around 20 ponies if press is to be believed. NOT interested in brushed finish. Polished might do.

From what I can ascertain, they both produce about the same hp gain over stock: 12-20 hp, supposedly. Jardines are cheaper, even than the polished CP megas, but are seriously stupid looking, IMHO. The CP megas have the design dialed in but are rather costly. Ultimately, it's about performance AND saving a buck or two if possible.

Anyone care to weigh in on these two very distinctive systems before I commit $$$ to a purchase I might regret???? THX crew!;)
Largely a matter of taste, I reckon , Drac.
I'm fairly happy with the aesthetics of the jars.
Anyone have a shot of the carps for comparison?
OK kiddies, put your best "takes" forward on these two iconic and distinctive exhaust systems. I've eliminated the Predators as I think the Carpenter iteration of this design does it better...and preds are prohibitively expensive to boot.

I don't like the "wiggly noodle" look of the Jardines as they look ridiculous on the squarish lump that is the R3 motor. However, they reputedly add over 15 ponies over TORs. They ARE chromed and they cost "only" ~$1,100, give or take some change.

On the other hand is the awesome looking Carpenter Racing Megaphone Header/exhaust set up. Three into one. Clean design that compliments the R3 angularity. Also touted to smoke TORs by around 20 ponies if press is to be believed. NOT interested in brushed finish. Polished might do.

From what I can ascertain, they both produce about the same hp gain over stock: 12-20 hp, supposedly. Jardines are cheaper, even than the polished CP megas, but are seriously stupid looking, IMHO. The CP megas have the design dialed in but are rather costly. Ultimately, it's about performance AND saving a buck or two if possible.

Anyone care to weigh in on these two very distinctive systems before I commit $$$ to a purchase I might regret???? THX crew!;)

I'm probably mistaken but i didnt think the carpenter exhaust was in 'production' it was a one off and they werent gonna make them.
I dig the Carps. Anyone heard them on a stock (or triples) Rocket? I hear they are almost obnoxiously loud. Not sure that's for me, but the power pickup would be sweet.
Now that's a nice comparison set Scott.
I still like the simplicity and the "flow" of the preds best,
but I recon the Carpenter's look second best of the 3.
Not a big fan of the down and round swoop of the jars.
But has been stated, a matter of taste I suppose.
I'm buying a set of Carps 3 into 1 meg. I'll be selling my Jardines to whomever wants them.
Now that's a nice comparison set Scott.
I still like the simplicity and the "flow" of the preds best,
but I recon the Carpenter's look second best of the 3.
Not a big fan of the down and round swoop of the jars.
But has been stated, a matter of taste I suppose.

Well skip some of it is what the owner wants I like them all and depending on what I would be after is how I would choose. Maximum chance of HP with High rpm running well Carpenter has it heads down. Low rpm end tractor torque well the longer header tubes of the predator is more suited for. Good set of duals at a lower price well the Jardines are the ones.
I have noticed you have to sit a little bow legged for the predators compared to the other two ( Iam only 160 lbs so bigger guys might not notice this). Other then that the only real problems I have had with the predators is the welds on the brackets the hold the heat shields on each header has had one fail and the others are hard to get off so I can fix them. I am hoping a good tig welder can repair them without messing up the ceramic coating in the areas the shield do not cover. I think this is possible.
Carpenter KO's Jardines: 2 to 0

Did some scouting around Denver and inquired of two of the best, most deeply schooled motorcycle mechanics in the region. Both have extensive race and performance backgrounds. One is a co-owner of Fastermotorsports. NEITHER had anything good to say about Jardines I'm afraid. Undependable, often flawed manufacturing, inferior product. Neither recommend Jardines at all. Question answered, at least for me: Carpenter Racing Megaphone Exhaust !!!! Hands down winner! My order is in:D