For Sale Carpenter Rocket 2012 (Houston TX)

Texted you, although don't know if it went. No phone down here, but Shera will call you right after work. She's been dealing with dealer while I'm down here. If you get text, please reply. Belize doesn't have the most modern systems in the world.
Where did you move to in Belize, MarvinM.

I own a gorgeous piece of waterfront property north of "The Cut" on Ambergris Caye. Belize is a truly adventurous place!!!
Where did you move to in Belize, MarvinM.

I own a gorgeous piece of waterfront property north of "The Cut" on Ambergris Caye. Belize is a truly adventurous place!!!

I'm in Consejo, north of Corozal town. My apartment is about 100 yards from the water in 2 directions. The house I'm building is 2 blocks from the water in 2 directions. I enjoy it here. Much less stress than Houston.
I have a good ex-pat buddy in Corozal named Mark Leonard.

He's slowly but surely building out an interesting planned community with deepwater boat access called Cerros Sands - - just across Corozal Bay above Copper Bank. He's a good egg and really knows his way around the country, its people and the govt (Ughh!) down there. Mark's been trying to work with several administrations for years to get decent road and electric infrastructure to his huge piece. If you need help with any aspect of your project he's not a bad guy to know.

You can practically spit across the border into Chet from where you are! Are you building in Consejo Shores? Feel free to respond via PM...
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I have the 240 kit, Bob told me regular 87 octane

That's amazing. I've had my Touring for only a few weeks and the previous owner said he used Premium. I've been using regular since I got it but assumed the Carpenter kits took the high test.
That's amazing. I've had my Touring for only a few weeks and the previous owner said he used Premium. I've been using regular since I got it but assumed the Carpenter kits took the high test.
YES I ran 87 in my 240 + kit and with the 13.5 pistons you run premium
It depends on the kit you have really.

Mines a 92+ bike, from Bobs very own mouth “Run Premium”.

Different builds take different fuels.
Can't beat a good muddy.

pete what do you use for taking these clear shots
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