Carpenter Racing (seriously considering the 240 hp upgrade package)

Look at the web site, spelled out in plain english needs exhaust and tune not included.
What about Nev's stuff, more useable grunt in lower RPMs from what i understand. Sounds like Carpenters engine would work real nice in a But I have to qualify that I've most always been a sunday rider looking at the sights.
I agree ... the nev stuff is right up my alley torque in the bottom so much so that I ordered the stuff along with slotted gears for the cams and camchain tensioner . it is now a 202hp /198 lbs torque friendly lady and she is ready to move as low as 2800 rpm where I spend lots of throttle time. I also FINALLY found a modern looking fairing smaller than corbin harleyesque contraption (sorry Bill)and bigger than the fly/sport screen , comes in smoked black for me with all the attaching kit for $200 shipping $75 all the way from France anybody interested check the secdem bullster webpage
Is the new modded bike now back home and running, Patrick?
Is the new modded bike now back home and running, Patrick?
she is put together But the effing upholsterer has not done my seat yet so got to wait a wee bit longer before I start her up.
I also finally found a screen I like secdem/bullster in france make a modern looking screen in various shades I picked the black smoked shade , take a look at their webpage it is sized between the triumph summer screen and the sport/flyscreen they do different cuts if required as well
$250 shipped to my place so I sold the triumph screen I had (same as yours) how is nels move turning out?? it was also unfortunate that I could not download that tune from the green machine
talk about destiny the guy who bought the green machine lives within the same small town where I bought it originally go figure!!
SO boys we are asking the Rocket owners how much HP do you want for a street bike 300 ? 350 400 500 600 or more let us know we are working on some new packages and would like some feedback

Do you guys install and tune on the touring model too?
Thought of getting carpenter kit, but I am afraid once you do that things might break down more.
And I don't understand why you can't use jardine pipes and the Tunboy , how much power would you really notice or would you?
Just going to tune boy and K@N filters and Jardines I went from getting 42 miles per gallon to 33 miles per gallon with out pushing it. And I was told at the time you will most likely get more because it will breath better.
So doing this kit what do you really get 18 miles per gallon ?
I'm also tempted but then I always remember that I barely use the 6000 rpm I have now. I'd basically never be in the 9000 range, or else i'd get used to being in there and then I'd be in jail and licenseless.

Forced induction of some kind might be fun but really... I don't need more than 140-150 for what I do.
WOW thats interesting I get 44 MPG cruising with my 250 HP ROCKET so your misinformed I get better mileage than when it was stock and no breakdowns period