Carpenter exhaust Australia?

Hey Warp9.9, I just received a set of Carpenter street rod headers and am having O2 bung sensor clearance to rear peg tubing issues. Did you have any install problems? Also, how did you extend the mount plate and secure to peg mount?
Thanks for any advice or comments you might make.

The Vikings are simply beautiful for sure. BUT I am slightly perturbed at a certain Kiwi @Paul Bryant .

4 months after I sent a wheel barrow of cash to OZ for a 3 into 1 header he announces that he can do a 3 into 2 for the R3T.
The Vikings are simply beautiful for sure. BUT I am slightly perturbed at a certain Kiwi @Paul Bryant .

4 months after I sent a wheel barrow of cash to OZ for a 3 into 1 header he announces that he can do a 3 into 2 for the R3T.
Easy cure for this one, send another wheel barrow full of cash once again
Here's a picture of the Reband on my R3T

This isn't a good shot of the collector but that's where it leaks exhaust X3

Bill, this is exactly why I do use slip joints, at some stage they will leak.
When you weld the lot together, have the three headers on the bike so as to hold their position, and weld in between the three pipes.

Then weld right around the outside of the collector

No clearance problems providing the exhaust is assembled from the head plate back. Problems were when trying to install bench assembled.
I have Ponters Roadster now and he had bigger pipes made with custom heat Sheilds


I see what you are talking about Paul but with the setup I have if I weld the 3 headers together I will not be able to slide the collector/silencer up onto the header pipes to weld them.
I have Ponters Roadster now and he had bigger pipes made with custom heat Sheilds]

@Mittzy I knew you had the bike now Tony but I was under the impression that Reband had made the pipes for ponters. I know that they (Reband) had a picture of the bike on their website when I ordered the pipe.