Hey scorp, dunno if warp missed yor post but......i have a mate with a non-modified rocket.He has ordered a brute coz he can run it now,with min tuning,lonely but NOISEY 140hp+ lol plus he likes the look and it has a 2 inch diameter, so in the future he can build his engine up and he wont have to get another exhaust. thats his train of thought.It will soon have the mandatory Beartrap [half a claw] 3x KnNs, de-sec'd,PC.....ect.After a lot of hummin/harrin i have ordered one as well.Like many others, i have waited anxiously to see Ponters/Nevs/Ricks exhaust.It makes sense to me to buy an exceptional product that is made locally than to scource one from O/S.However,i dont want to mix and match, so its Carpenter stage 2/carpenter brute combo for me.Bob tunes with his own pipe,not someone elses.I'm hopeing he will share some of his tuning secrets with me.I mean absolutely no disrespect to Ponters or Nev,and believe that just with Nevs involvement, such is his reputation,their product will be among the finest available.2 things swayed my decision to go Carp. My personal preference is 2 i.d. and i want it NOW.I have had my bike on hold for so long, it aint funny.Ive had the $ to finish it 3x now and each time,we/SHE has grabbed it, sh!t i hope she dont see this LoL. So this week, i have ordered/bought all the xtra bits needed, even a new Arai helmet and leathers.After all the bits are in it,she's off to my Dyno-guy.After a run in period,i will post 2nd dyno results.