Pedro will vouch for me when I say, I absolutely love my 240 Carp kitted Rocket, and that I absolutely hammer the f#!k out of it. I could have just gone with the J210 kit, but am so glad I didn't. Nothin lights my fire like the big triple singing at 8000rpm+ . Nothing. I am still in awe of it and still respect her. I have not conqured her yet and maybe I never will. Overtaking other bikes whilst spinning the rear tire @120kmh+.....Priceless.
Pedro will vouch for me when I say, I absolutely love my 240 Carp kitted Rocket, and that I absolutely hammer the f#!k out of it. I could have just gone with the J210 kit, but am so glad I didn't. Nothin lights my fire like the big triple singing at 8000rpm+ . Nothing. I am still in awe of it and still respect her. I have not conqured her yet and maybe I never will. Overtaking other bikes whilst spinning the rear tire @120kmh+.....Priceless.
YES RICK you got a tiger by the tail it is a thrilling awe inspiring ride that pumps you up with adrenaline and leaves a permanent smile on your face LOL BLAST OFF AND HANG ON
I've lit up my Mulberry Mistress to the rev/tach limit, umm, more than a few times. The challenge is controlling or keeping the front wheel stable as you launch into warp factor whatever and/or beyond.
7000km....I run Motul 300v engine oil, which is the best I can buy here. Pedro did a compression check for me last weekend, and shes all good. I was worried about all the abuse ive given her, but nah, shes purring. The MTC clutch I have in her is the best IMHPO, coz it takes a hammering with no hint of slip, none. She EATS tyres, but that's my fault, one I will live with
to be honest , I don't know for sure, every time I have spare cash, the missus gets her mitts on it. I have been told by my dyno guy he will want the bike for 8hrs to get the very most out of her (that's gonna cost me $7-1000 ) I know I have to do this but guessing but I think I have more than the standard 240. I will know for sure soon as ive just done my tax return,but I cant hide it from my missus, coz shes also my book keeper accountant !!!!!
to be honest , I don't know for sure, every time I have spare cash, the missus gets her mitts on it. I have been told by my dyno guy he will want the bike for 8hrs to get the very most out of her (that's gonna cost me $7-1000 ) I know I have to do this but guessing but I think I have more than the standard 240. I will know for sure soon as ive just done my tax return,but I cant hide it from my missus, coz shes also my book keeper accountant !!!!!
So are you using a tune you downloaded from someone else? I would be getting it dyno tuned asap mate, a lot of money to spend on a bike and then not being sure its running right. Hey I got a shift light coming I will let you know if it works.
to be honest , I don't know for sure, every time I have spare cash, the missus gets her mitts on it. I have been told by my dyno guy he will want the bike for 8hrs to get the very most out of her (that's gonna cost me $7-1000 ) I know I have to do this but guessing but I think I have more than the standard 240. I will know for sure soon as ive just done my tax return,but I cant hide it from my missus, coz shes also my book keeper accountant !!!!!
7000km....I run Motul 300v engine oil, which is the best I can buy here. Pedro did a compression check for me last weekend, and shes all good. I was worried about all the abuse ive given her, but nah, shes purring. The MTC clutch I have in her is the best IMHPO, coz it takes a hammering with no hint of slip, none. She EATS tyres, but that's my fault, one I will live with
So are you using a tune you downloaded from someone else? I would be getting it dyno tuned asap mate, a lot of money to spend on a bike and then not being sure its running right. Hey I got a shift light coming I will let you know if it works.
Im running the 9000 rpm tune, and I hear you when you say asap, but you don't know my missus ( hope she don't see this ). Do let me know how the shift lite goes, I need one to stop bouncing off the rev limiter.
I knew I had something above the norm when I got my '240' kit Art, it was the new spec'ed cams wasn't it ? plus I added more.....larger air filters/9000rpm tune ect...with the bigger volume injectors yet to come = ponies on there way. I have smashed so many 'Fast' bikes/ego's around here its not funny. Killer combo..Rpm+torque+hp, My Rocket has it in spades ! No supercharger for me, can barely handle what I have