Carpenter 210+ VS 240+ on the street

No magic involved at all, Tripps! Just calculated under idealized conditions, downhill with a tailwind and with superhuman throttle control.
YEP tell him Phil
NEVER had anyone say they weren't SILLY HAPPY that they went for the 240 and others have done the 265 +and love it I road tested all the engine packages for several thousand miles and I can say I would do the most while you have your baby apart more hp = more fun
YOUR engine will rev to 9,000 RPM it feels great doesn't it ?
THE REV LIMIT is set at 9,000

If it has a rev limit, I've never reached it. Never bounced off a rev-limiter and the engine sounds just as healthy with the tach needle off the scale as it does at any other RPM. It truly does feel great. It also feels strong -very strong.
That's some very solid advice. I think I'll probably stick to the plan and get the 210, it's just so tempting with that 240+ hp carrot dangling in front of me.
forget that carrot and listen to previous advice go for the 210 power kit see what it does to your power hunger then you can make a decision on wether it is enough to scare the bejesssus out of you or not if not you can always go next level but at least it will be an informed decision
Are the rad shrouds on the Rocket designed to direct more air to the rad or to protect the sides of the rad from damage in the parking lot?
these plasticy things would not protect anything..and to direct more air they would have to have larger ears plus they crumble apart after 10 years
Pedro will vouch for me when I say, I absolutely love my 240 Carp kitted Rocket, and that I absolutely hammer the f#!k out of it. I could have just gone with the J210 kit, but am so glad I didn't. Nothin lights my fire like the big triple singing at 8000rpm+ . Nothing. I am still in awe of it and still respect her. I have not conqured her yet and maybe I never will. Overtaking other bikes whilst spinning the rear tire @120kmh+.....Priceless.
I've lit up my Mulberry Mistress to the rev/tach limit, umm, more than a few times. The challenge is controlling or keeping the front wheel stable as you launch into warp factor whatever and/or beyond.
I've lit up my Mulberry Mistress to the rev/tach limit, umm, more than a few times. The challenge is controlling or keeping the front wheel stable as you launch into warp factor whatever and/or beyond.
I just keep looking forward and let the ass end do whatever it wants, gets scary when I shift into third and hold it as long as I dare, by then im well into triple digits and everyone else are way, way back..... in a long trail of smoke.....god, I love my bike.
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Hey Rick what rwhp are you getting with your set up?