Wow I really like the TFC .When the new Rocket was coming out I only seen the R3 and The GT that has the longer stretched out riding position. I Never seen them avertisingof the TFC . I wonder why it wasn't advertised as much?
Mighty Mouse lets see the real you if you have been truly working out, before and after pictures
So how did people know about them to be sold out if not advertised? If I would have bought one then seen the TFC I would have been upset. Because that's more my taste I really like that one. Humm maybe when my bike is all done I'll trade mine in for a TFC.
The only problem I might get devorced lol
The TFC was announced and deposits taken before the other models were disclosed. It all happened in a very short time frame. Usually it is a different type of buyer that purchases the high end more limited bikes. Harley has CVO and Indian the Elites and now Triumph the TFCs. Most of these buyers do not fuss over the money and buy what they want enjoying the uniqueness and prestige of the bikes.
I don’t think you have to be wealthy to buy these just committed to the top of the line models. It is not uncommon for those not appreciating these bikes to be somewhat negative about them. I can see the established Rocketers somewhat dismayed at a bike selling for +20k when the older ones were so affordable.
I remember back in 2010 my dad being shocked that anybody would pay 20’000 for a motorbike.
So how did people know about them to be sold out if not advertised? If I would have bought one then seen the TFC I would have been upset. Because that's more my taste I really like that one. Humm maybe when my bike is all done I'll trade mine in for a TFC.
The only problem I might get devorced lol
In my case, there was a spy shot in a UK paper. I spoke to Triumph who ‘could neither confirm nor deny’, but did ‘suggest’ I could leave a deposit at a dealer ‘in case it got built’. Three weeks later I was told that if it got built I would get one, then a couple of months after that the official press release came out announcing the bike, and also that .... they were already all sold out. Of 750 built, I got number 210. I had decided I would pay up to 30k gb pounds, and the Triumph guy told me they thought it would come in at 32k (about 40k usd). I wasn’t going to lose it over 2k, so I signed up. So when it was announced at 25k (32k usd) I was left with the slightly odd feeling that I’d got a bit of a bargain whilst spending 32k usd on a bike.... and actually, credit to Triumph - if they were telling people they thought it would be 40k usd, then sold all 750 before they’d even announced the price - and then brought it in 8k lower - well that is decent behaviour to say the least in my opinion. In terms of being disappointed about ordering r/gt and then seeing the tfc - actually it was the other way around. When I ordered mine, there was no such thing as r or gt. So I was not thrilled to see people taking delivery of r/gt before my bike even arrived, having ordered mine a year ago. Anyway, it’s all good now. The bike turns out to be completely epic. I don’t regret a single penny of the TFC - look around at what else is out there that’s comparable and it really looks like value.
*edit* as of today am seeing 2 TFC bikes advertised at gbp3000 (us 4000) over list on autotrader
*2nd edit* the system turned aut0trad3r into a link but I’m referring to the uk site, not the us one
Yeah if I would of seen it I think I would of bought the TFC instead of putting all this money in customizing my 05 yet it is looking really nice and There won't be anything out there that looks like it.
TFC would be the look I like very sharp ,I like the others as well but would of been upset if I did buy the GT and then I seen the TFC.
Can't wait to see the modification s on the new Rockets and see what they can do.