Can a Rocket III take down the establishment, and rule this island

Removed the stock Roadster pegs and mount bars and fitted ZX14R pegs with lots of custom made bits to make them work. Also an old pair of foot peg mounts that got converted into chromed engine crash guard bars.

Before and after

Got a nice bit done today. Should be ready to do the first start shortly.

FUN FACT - it is 3 years ago, to the day, today, that I started the Stroker engine for the very first time.

Will the 2.5L Supercharged Carpenter Rocket III Stroker engine start?
Stay tuned..

Only the best for the Monster;

Out with the puny fuel filter and in with one from a 450bhp Audi RS4

Fuel pump assembly with Walbro GSS 342 pump and Mahle KL 60 filter, oh and the conversion to external pressure regulator and return system.

Firing up all the electronics again

Changed out the Triumph sports screen for the CarbonDryJapan "angry" sports screen, to show them we mean business

Just a man in a tin shed..

Check for DTCs, run all tests inc priming fuel lines, remap ECU
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What a coincidence, started mine for the first time in 3 years today, hah! Very happy for you that it fired right up, sounds great and very healthy.

Nice solution on the filter, I used a C6 Vette filter in a similar way.

Looking forward to the Dyno video (if you make any).
Congratulations to you also.
Sooo I only got to go for a couple miles really as the weather has been trash, and now I'm back in work, so time very limited to get to bike.
Lot of tuning work ahead of me but I'm loving it so far, the bike feels like a MONSTER on a leash