Cams, Pipes & Clutch upgrade

I believe I have a tuner that will use tune ecu and the guy that did my baseline uses power commander who was impressive knowing his machine and what he was seeing, so if Neville tells me to get PCv I will use him and if I don’t have to get pcv I will go with Conrad at tnt as I know he has over 20 years tuning and if he didn’t won’t to mess with tune ecu he would just say it. What cams did youll come up with for your project I know they’re Neville’s as Scott spotted in your picture
That’s exactly why I’m only doing cams right now because of knowledge barrier beyond that but with some of the great write ups on installing cams Sonny did one and paul did another and with the guys on here that know these things I’m gonna call him next month and ask him if he will sell me cams, going to a shop is not an option unless it’s shipping motor to Mr lush himself, I work for Fedex, get quite a discount on shipping especially by ship, and I really would love to do that
@Mad Dog I really really really feel your pain. If you go back and re-read my thread, almost anyone can do this given the time. With how you describe the guy who worked on your bike, I (maybe not you) would take the bike back (transported by Jerridan if need be), and go through the entire sequence myself -- hard copy manual (either the bound one, or printed applicable pages [not that many really] for the cam work) and between the manual and the resources online here go as far as you can, and then call around (short list - I'm happy to help) and keep Nev as your ace in the hole. If you chose to go that route, you'd be so much more confident in the bike and yourself.

As for remapping the ECU, I suggested in your PM, going to the DynoJet web site, and look up motorcycle tuners starting with your location, and talk to them. I would look for first - willingness to answer the phone - willingness to work with customer requests in the dyno setup - willingness to have the customer present (i.e., roll-in, roll out) - and an extra good sign would be if in the course of your conversation the operator says, "I haven't done a Rocket, but I believe they have a Keihin ECU and I've worked with plenty of those." The ECU in the Rocket is fairly common, and the system Nev offers with his lent PC3 and handholding of the tuner is both imminently practical and high probability of good results for you. For me (maybe not you) I found it all fun -- as a big puzzle we used to put on a card table in winter and family would go by and look at it, and add a piece here and there until it was done. And oh the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment when done knowing you have an optimized bike to your specifications. And having gone through the tuning process successfully once, it'll be child's play to go back if later you decide to add a CES system or somesuch, and have the bike re-baselined.

As fighter pilots say to each other as they head out to their armed and fueled planes, "Good hunting."

We're here for you.

**** Mad Dog, sorry to hear of your experience thus far, sounds incredibly frustrating!

Surely there's a good tuner in Texas? Anyone know? Seems as though it's got a big enough street racing community that a good motorcycle tuner should have full time work there.
Don't know of a good one in TX, but I'd definitely avoid Saben Performance in Dallas.
Don't know of a good one in TX, but I'd definitely avoid Saben Performance in Dallas.

Man that blows my mind. A bit of searching and nothing promising looking comes up, Sabin being the top result.

Where did you take your bike Steel?
When calling around, before wasting time going to the shop, ask if their O2 sensor is working. When searching for shops myself, it seems like 3/4 of Dynojet tuning centers don't have working O2 sensors, they just want to do a HP measurement and send the bike out.