Cams, Pipes & Clutch upgrade

Here are the parts, cams, tensioner, pipes, MTC clutch fibers, Carpenter springs on the way, detent spring, gaskets, crankcase evac. nipple & back check, hoses.
What is missing?

Goodonya & good luck on your build!
Perhaps a tad easier to see your stuff?


@Mad Dog yeah that's probably me with the leaks on the collector. Welding them up is the only way that I can see to stop that.

The ceramic is a good idea. Mine discolored badly for the first half of the primary tubes.

The heat on the leg isn't bad at all. The ceramic will probably improve that also.
John, if they are like the Rebands I have seen previous, they should already be ceramic coated inside. If Bill thinks they are loud , what will he think of a Carp pipe ! With the chrome pipes, I actively suggest your dyno guy has a BIG high flow fan pointing on the exhaust whilst tuning, to prevent chrome discoloration.

Hi Nev,
I talked to him Friday about the fans, you & I talked about keeping the PC3 cool and the pipes are just one more reason to make sure it happens. I’ll make it a point to be there. You also asked about his dyno, I got a tour, it’s an eddy current machine, he told me the brand and bragged on it, to bad I forgot what it was blue.
As to the ceramic coating inside the pipes, do these look like it’s been done to you? There is something making it black in there but it’s the thinnest smoothest ceramic I’ve ever seen if it is.

I cannot tell by the pic, maybe flick him an email? Reband that is.Ceramic coating is very thin.. Blue dyno, could be mainline? He will need an eddy current machine for effective EFI mapping, but that is standard. Mainline read lower than D Jet apparently, but I have not used one,so this may be conjecture. You will be able to tell the gains by performing a quick power test before the job begins. Then another after cams/pipe/tuning etc
Mad dog how’s your bike coming along, last I heard I believe you said still in shop and you weren’t happy at all. Hope all is good with it
Mad dog how’s your bike coming along, last I heard I believe you said still in shop and you weren’t happy at all. Hope all is good with it
It’s back together as of this weekend, tune is screwed up because the tuner isn’t really a tuner as it turns out. I have a plethora of smaller problems which I will work through myself because he isn’t really a motorcycle mechanic either. As I said in another post I tried to buy pipes from Les but he wasn’t interested in doing them for me, so I chose reband, I danned sure wouldn’t go with reband again, what showed up at my door was shabby work, had to have numerous dents removed, had to be rechromed and ceramic coated. Nothing could be done about the shabby welding or poor fit. I’m not sure if they are incompetent or shysters or both. I paid nearly as much fixing them as they cost in the first place.

I started gathering the parts in January it took 3 months to get everything in. There were problems every step of the way. After the parts got here the mechanic sat on it after taking it apart for 5 months in favor of jobs he was capable of completing. If I had it all to do over again I wouldn’t.

I need a competent tuner, have you got one out your way?