Mine started to weep a bit about 2 months ago found all the exhaust side bolts finger tight nipped up and all good but I wonder if the exhaust side works loose because of the heat, intake side was perfect tension.
Mine started to weep in front within a couple of months. The front and exhaust side bolts were also finger tight but the intake side and rear were tight. I just wonder about the other bolts that were supposed to be "torqued" to spec at the factory????
Snugged everything up and she hasn't leaked a drop since.
Hi, mine started leaking on my 2011 roadster and it was replaced under warranty 4 times until the tech put a straight edge on the cover and found it wasn't straight it had a kick up in that front right hand corner.This has finally been replaced free of charge by triumph so hopefully its new owner gets heaps of trouble free miles from it
Just replaced mine after 2 weeks of waiting for oem gasket bit of faffing but reading forums put me at ease for tackling the exxon valdez pisser emptying from front right ( same place as everyone's methinks ) and waterproofing my jeans with oil .Will test it if and when weather gets better