Cam Chain tensioner adjust

well i don't think that it jumped a tooth
true if more than 16mm then add the spacer
i think that if u have more than 25 then u may have troubles.
i do not know what a snicking sound is?
the best description is like a chain trying to catch and failing, a light clack,
so I'm good to take the center bolt out? don't want the chain to come loose and have things spin around.
thanks hoopla
Can you make a video of this sound?
If the tensioner is maxed out like it seems, the chain might be loose and one with a good ear particularly mechanically inclined can hear a loose camchain.
Can you make a video of this sound?
If the tensioner is maxed out like it seems, the chain might be loose and one with a good ear particularly mechanically inclined can hear a loose camchain.
it would be very hard to record, since it happens while riding.
is it ok to remove the center bolt while the cams are under tension, to measure the the tensioner ?
I checked the gap and it was 21mm, so 5 mm beyond the 16mm minimum for using the slug, the spring was much more stiff going in, .350 in made big difference in the force applied.
I put it in, now awaiting a test drive, will report results

test road last night and the motor sounded normal again, a real simple fix