so to continue this thread, I recently replaced my valve cover gasket and adjusted 5 valves on the intake. I used the triumph tool to set the cams with the crank shaft. note that my crankshaft wasn't marked,
@sonnie thought the gear was on backwards. I used a rod in the front cylinder to determine tdc. I assembled the cam chain tensioner and center nut. I noted that the tensioner seemed to be fully extended, upon removal. Once inserted the cam chain seemed quite tight between the cam shafts.
Now to my point in regards to the cam chain tensioner. I've noticed a snicking sound coming from the engine, it's more apparent when under load in fifth gear.
I should mention that is a 2016 roadster with 17 thousand miles, and I ride 2 up all the time.
So I'm wondering if my tensioner is just barely getting by due to wear.
I've reviewed this thread and I see I can insert a slug within the spring, 10mm dia. and .375 in or so to help tension things.
I believe I can remove the center nut and measure the depth, and if it's more than 16mm I am ok to add the slug.
Am I on the right track here? I don't hear a paint can rattle, but I wear ear plugs.
The engine didn't do this initially after the engine work, gotten worse today. At one point I did feel like something slipped in the engine or tranny. Could I have jumped a tooth and now the timing is off and the engine is pinging?
Thanks for your help,