Just finished checking the valves, they were all in spec except the number 3 exhaust which were .14 and .12 mm, a little too tight but not too bad. The number one exhaust valves were both at .20, the intake valves were between .10 and .12.
Removed the cam chain tensioner and the cam chain. The tensioner was maxed out. No more adjustment left. Did the cam chain stretch test per the manual and got 146mm. It was still in spec (under 147.63 over 23 links), but a new chain is going in anyway.
I have not yet removed the clutch cover so have been able to inspect the chain guides. Probably do that over the weekend. Everything is original, cam tensioner, chain, guides.
Yes, I will be a darling and measure the new chain when I get it. Kudos to you for doing this every year, this stuff maxes out my patience. And now I have those **** cam ladder bolts to deal with.
I found that the tensioner guide had worn a fairly deep groove where the chain feeds over the guide and onto the exhaust cam sprocket with minimal wear along the length of the guide.
The rubbing guide looked good... that was until I placed it against a brand new one, the original guide had a greater radius to it's arc, as if the tension of the chain combined with numourous heat cycles had "flattened" it out some... before removing it I had noticed that it was loose at the top, could be moved back and forth (in line with the chain... easy to check for with the chain removed) and tapping against the inside of the head... once installed, the new rubbing guide fit firmly snug... might explain the rattle, it was the fix for mine.
The Rocket maintenance schedule does not specify a time frame for cam chain maintenance. I am only doing this because when I measured the drop in the cam chain tensioner plunger it was maxed out, plus I had not measured the valve clearance since 10 k miles. I am at 103k miles.
I think the cam chain had already stretched to the max, but was still within spec, and could have gone on for several thousand more miles or more. But since I already had it out I figured it might as well be replaced.