Cam Chain tensioner adjust

Put the bike in 5th gear and rock it backwards if there is any slack in the tensioner it will take up ,do it a few times and you should be good .

Paint can rattle sounds just like its said.Ball banging around in a tin can.(like a bad lifter.)
Some hear the oil pump chain rattle which goes away on warm up. Never heard this myself.
the paint can rattle was mainly on 04,05 bikes due to a bad crankshaft key not being hard enough .

Has your diff /drive shaft splines been lubed with Honda moly 60 lube ,This is a must and may well be what you are hearing
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Sure I'm not the only one that didn't know about rocking it back and forth in 5th. Thanks.

I didn't, nice to know.

I had the paint can rattle for about 80k miles. But I guess it could have been the oil pump chain rattle since it always went away after the engine warmed up and then it finally just went away.
I didn't, nice to know.

I had the paint can rattle for about 80k miles. But I guess it could have been the oil pump chain rattle since it always went away after the engine warmed up and then it finally just went away.
have you checked the drop measurement of the plunger in the tensioner? After 16mm Triumph adds a spacer to increase the spring tension back to original. Of course they also recommend renewing the timing chain at 70,000 miles if my memory serves me right.

No, is that procedure in the manual?
No, is that procedure in the manual?
if your talking about checking the tensioner yes.

if you do not have the little jig or do not want to waste a large amount of money you can measure the drop while in the bike like above but using a Dial Caliper

If the measurement is 16 mm or more then you need the spacer which is .390" diameter by .350" long. A 10 mm bolt shank is a good place to start.

Most important

Do not attempt to start, or roll the engine over in any way while the center nut is out of the tensioner!!!!!!!!!

It will jump time which is a bucket load of work as long as you do not damage the valves and pistons. If you do well its a lot more then a bucket of work

Yeah, I have heard some horror stories about that....
Yeah, I have heard some horror stories about that....

Oh yes, had two cars during last week that the timing had skipped on. One needs the head refurbed (16 bent valves, yaay!) and the other needs new pistons and a whole new head (probably replace the whole engine, haven't been able to check the condition of the cylinder walls). One of the valves has broken off and bounced around in the cylinder, punched a hole in the piston head and smashed up the combustion chamber.

It's generally never a good sign when you remove the spark plug and find the tip and electrode is mashed flat
i just did this now i have serious clunking from the drive train,wtf is going on..
i just did this now i have serious clunking from the drive train,wtf is going on..
Rocking the bike back and fourth to make sure the tensioner adjust will not do anything to the rear. Is the clunking there when you ride it or just when you rock it? Also I see you have a what year?

You should drain the bevel box and check what comes out. Then if you have never pulled the bevel box off the swing frame to inspect and grease the drive shaft splines you should. Also how many miles are on her? Lastly we will see how that goes and eliminate the bevel box and splines first before we drop the hammer.