Calling On This Community For A Little Help From Our Friends

Carly Video


Reviewed the finalists and voted Georgia's best. Produced for less than a couple of Metz's... pretty impressive! It is easy to forget that James Cameron's early projects had modest budgets. Any chance for a briefcase full of real cash in future projects? Best of luck with Georgia's continued success!
Thanks, wildwilley. The briefcase was full of drugs (parenthetically) and the envelope I handed over contained the psychic dollars!
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thanks tons and tons guys!!! We're most assuredly in the top 2 !

next video will feature a couple rocket III's ! I wanted to, but we just didn't have time to write our bikes into this one.

..when's the contest over geo?..I just went over and gave ya two thumbs up in the comment section o' luck..
Thanks, Wil and all others who answered the call. We rec'd about 2500 hits on YouTube and more than two and a half as many favorable comments than any of the other finalists all thanks to you guys. We really can't thank you enough and because of your efforts, i think we stand a great chance of taking the prize! We're pretty excited.

I'll post the results late tonight/early tomorrow AM, depending on when I get back from the award party in NYC.