Never fear, Dave, there is an upcoming, independent, unsolicited Rocket III promotional ad in the works which we plan to release virally via the net, which we believe will be "out of this world". Patience!
Sincere thanks to wayon, Gothlander, nolton, tdragger, Wimpy, sweettennbabe, xdSkip (again), budman:bch: and davekemph. We really appreciate your support and good wishes. Hopefully, you are adding your comments to the YouTube site, as well!
Keep it coming, everyone!!! We think that the winner will be selected in the next 48-60 hours.
That's a (very wealthy) friend of mine's pristine 1960 'Vette. We were hoping to use his Bentley, but he gave it to his son who is living the high life with the jet set over in NYC!
Did you notice the license plate that Georgia inserted via CGI, "2HOT4U"?
I think there's something hinky about that feature on YouTube. I've discussed this with the director/producer of our vid and she sees a much higher count than I do anytime we have checked it.