Cactus final drive drive shaft

been down this road as well, at 51k, just like that, drive train started "clanging" pulling away from a stop. turns out both shaft, and rear drive splines are smoked. dam, i thought the whole idea of a driveshaft on a motorcycle was no maintenence! no mention at all in the manual about greasing splines. might as well be oiling a chain! "trustworthy" dealer tells me driveshaft is 300 bucks, and rear drive unit is 2500 bucks! WTF!! no way. checked around and another dealer told me they are $600. called back the "stealer" who already had my bike, and he says, oh yeah, now i see that the price of those has been lowered! gee i wonder why triunph!!! a whole bunch of these are gonna need replaced i will bet. that service manager was gonnna take me for an unpleasant ride. the internet is a wonderful thing!, i told him, helps to keep ya honest. he had no comment.
Soooo...what I'm getting out of all of this is grease at every rear tire change? That means if you are running a MC tire about every 5k miles and if you are darkside about every 20k?
my final drive went out on my 08 r3t about a year and a half ago if the the service maneger didnt talk to triumph and got my final drive free it would have cost me bout 4500 to get it fix but instead it only cost bout 1200 the best that i remember at that time the final drive was 2700
at the time i had bout 55000 miles on it
Soooo...what I'm getting out of all of this is grease at every rear tire change? That means if you are running a MC tire about every 5k miles and if you are darkside about every 20k?

That's it mate .. just something I suggested so that blokes remember to do it.. when changing a rear tyre. Doesn't get forgotten that way ..hopefully.
Correct - unless he WAS asking about the universal joint in the shaft.......