been down this road as well, at 51k, just like that, drive train started "clanging" pulling away from a stop. turns out both shaft, and rear drive splines are smoked. dam, i thought the whole idea of a driveshaft on a motorcycle was no maintenence! no mention at all in the manual about greasing splines. might as well be oiling a chain! "trustworthy" dealer tells me driveshaft is 300 bucks, and rear drive unit is 2500 bucks! WTF!! no way. checked around and another dealer told me they are $600. called back the "stealer" who already had my bike, and he says, oh yeah, now i see that the price of those has been lowered! gee i wonder why triunph!!! a whole bunch of these are gonna need replaced i will bet. that service manager was gonnna take me for an unpleasant ride. the internet is a wonderful thing!, i told him, helps to keep ya honest. he had no comment.