@dave64. Are you still having cable problems? Here's a couple of things I tried when my cable stopped working over the weekend.
I am assuming you have the correct cable and have verified the chipset etc so I won't touch on any of that.
After a couple of hours of googling I found an old post from Tom which mentioned disabling the VCP (virtual CoM port) on the driver, which I did. I don't think this fixed my cable problem, but rather simplified the number of variables I was dealing with.
With VCP disabled, the cable connected at both ends and the bike's ignition on I then went back in to TuneECU. I went to the Options Interface menu and selected my cable from the USB section. I can't quite remember but I think in the past I had been trying to connect via a Serial port.
I also enabled the Display Logs window in the hope that I would get an error message that pointed to my cable issue.
With all this in place I then Clicked ECU Connect. Hey presto. It all worked.