Cable connection problem

Mines showing up on Tune ECU as connected , did the checks Tom recommended but it still wont run correctly when connected to the bike. Next step is to bring the old laptop from work home and give that a go.

Do you get anything useful if you select Display Logs in TuneECU before connecting?
Follow Croft's and Tom's instructions. No matter what operating system you have, download the drivers using the link on the tuneecu site. Save them to the computer and unzip them. Disconnect from the internet. The manually install the drivers for the usb connection. Then do it again for the com port. It won't connect otherwise.
I recieved my new cable from lonelec today and guess what it worked , teach me for buying the cheap cable from ebay lol
Windows 8.1 downloaded driver as soon as the cable plugged in and away we go . thanks everyone for your input and help
Im still ripping my Fkn hair out trying to get this to work , tried on both win 8 and 7 laptops , all i get is a blinking red bar then some sheit msg about reconnecting the cable and turning the ignition on and off, it's doing my ****in head in and im about to put my boot through one of these laptops !!!!

Can someone please send me a direct link to a cable that actually works as im guessing this must be the problem , not interested in responses saying " get a a blah bllah cable " thats not helping a link would be great thanks.
Can someone please send me a direct link to a cable that actually works as im guessing this must be the problem , not interested in responses saying " get a a blah bllah cable " thats not helping a link would be great thanks. is a known good cable. Mine worked perfectly.

You could also try updating the drivers in your computer. Disconnect the cable, then download and run v2.10.00 WHQL Certified.exe, then reboot the machine and re-plug the cable. (If the link has issues, you can find it on the page, look for the blue link in the first comment box that says "setup executable")
Im still ripping my Fkn hair out trying to get this to work , tried on both win 8 and 7 laptops , all i get is a blinking red bar then some sheit msg about reconnecting the cable and turning the ignition on and off, it's doing my ****in head in and im about to put my boot through one of these laptops !!!!

Can someone please send me a direct link to a cable that actually works as im guessing this must be the problem , not interested in responses saying " get a a blah bllah cable " thats not helping a link would be great thanks.

The LonElec cable works.

I would be happy to post mine up for you to try but I'm going to be using it (hopefully) over the next week.
Hi @dave64. Are you still having cable problems? Here's a couple of things I tried when my cable stopped working over the weekend.

I am assuming you have the correct cable and have verified the chipset etc so I won't touch on any of that.

After a couple of hours of googling I found an old post from Tom which mentioned disabling the VCP (virtual CoM port) on the driver, which I did. I don't think this fixed my cable problem, but rather simplified the number of variables I was dealing with.

With VCP disabled, the cable connected at both ends and the bike's ignition on I then went back in to TuneECU. I went to the Options Interface menu and selected my cable from the USB section. I can't quite remember but I think in the past I had been trying to connect via a Serial port.


I also enabled the Display Logs window in the hope that I would get an error message that pointed to my cable issue.


With all this in place I then Clicked ECU Connect. Hey presto. It all worked.

I had a connection problem also on 2.5.5 worked ok the first time when I loaded my tune. then would never hook back up except older versions. tried what scuba posted in this thread and it worked fine thread post #18. I think I will have to do it every time as for some reason it keeps switch the virtual com port back on but hey at least it works. I was and still might get tune boy for my Sprint as I have never had the problems with the older tune boy set ups. I cannot speak for the newer style we shall see.