Buzzy's Revival: 1982 XS650SJ Heritage Special

Wow, usually the drive chain offers a little warning before snapping, my Trophy 1200 chain would start to howl off throttle (reverse torque). Your chain is a lot harder metal than your engine case so any violence on the cases won't be good. Hope it's not catastrophic.
Kind of good news on Buzzy just now. The chain bent the shaft causing the leak. No engine case cracks. New seals, shaft, front sprocket, chain and rear tire will go on shortly. I'll have them replace the steering head bearings also.

I'm heading to Denver this weekend to see a few kids and a granddaughter. Hopefully Buzzy will be back together by my return.
Good to hear it's not engine case related (I had to replace the lower case on my '74 XS650 due to a crack at the shift lever). I got some good news too, the pistons and jugs for my '74 RD 350 project were in Memphis, TN yesterday (and likely taking a truck ride to Dallas). So progress.
Buzzy is back on the road better than ever (at least since I have been riding him).

Front brakes are flushed and work wonderful. Back brakes were cleaned and adjusted and actually stop the bike now.

New roller bearings in the head make turning worthwhile now.

Shifting is far easier with the new shaft and clutch adjustments.

Oil change (10W 40 4T synthetic) and new filter seem to make engine sound smoother.

And the new tire on the back seems to roll like new (I'm just excited...)

Buzzy got new mirrors today. I was not happy at first with these 'universal' mirrors, they sent me to left hand mirrors. The shaft hole on the right is backwards threads like most other motorcycle mirrors. However, two bar mounts did come with the set and I used one of these for the right hand side.
A couple of options. Seeing as your going that way already, and have all those perfect stems empty and waiting...

...but even they manage to match them in pairs!

So I have another option for you.

Extendable and fully adjustable, use as required and return safely to pocket afterward! Pairs not required

  • Pocket clip on handle
  • Ball joint between mirror and handle
  • Steel backed mirror 3cms round
This Inspection Mirror has swiveling 3cms round mirror with telescopic handle extending to 47cms.

Mod mirror scooter
Question: can an XS650 be ridden TOO fast?

Yes. Evidently around 75mph your cool retro bubble visor will depart your cool retro helmet.

The remaining 6 miles of expressway were tough with no eye protection. I slowed to 55mph and squinted a lot. Once off the Expressway, I went to the first convenience store and bought some sunglasses.
So yes, an XS650 can be ridden TOO fast for a given circumstance...
That is the coolest helmet ever! By the way, Is it too early to request toys for Christmas? I've been relatively good, sorta.