buying pre-2010 Rockets

Yeah, but you are sloooow!
Clint slow? That must be a different EastexRIII you're talking about.

I used to think ABS was an unnecessary luxury. Since I ride in the rain quite often I know for a fact that is untrue. When I ride my 05 rocket in the rain I am very careful smooth and deliberate about starting and stopping. When I ride the Thunderbird abs there is no difference between wet and dry. Yes I can live without ABS but I don't have to be as careful (fearful) with it.
I have been riding an 05 for several years now and have had zero problems other than a leaky fork seal. In fact I am looking hard at an 06 a little more dolled up and with less miles. I say "GO FOR IT".

My 08 R3 Touring is a steal and mechanically sound. The transmissions were upgraded this year.